Theory of Psychology

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Communication is a complex process and involves many aspects of thinking and social ability. If the damage to the brain occurs then it will affect one of these capabilities including the ability to communicate successfully. The difficulty in cognitive communication is the term often used for the problem. The frontal lobes section in particular is crucial for the ability of cognitive communication due to its role in brain executive function, flexible thinking ability and social behaviour. Nevertheless, many other parts of the brain interact to showcase other important skills such as the temporal lobes and the parietal lobes.

Psychology that uses cognitive orientation, in theory, will be centered on the process – the central process for example in attitudes, ideas, and expectations used to describe behavior. Cognitive orentation differs from the psychoanalytic orientation that learns the most in-depth processes such as unconsciousness, Id, as well as the behavioristic theories of theory that emphasize the study of behavior in processes that occur outside such as Stimuli and replies. Learning about cognitive theories relates to processes that occur in a person's brain system as well as a person's nervous system that learns that a person will be actively processing information.

Definition of cognitive orientation

Cognitive orientation in communication psychology has a basic concept that learns the concept of communication, thinking and knowledge building. Expressed in the cognitive theory that human behavior is active and described as an environment perceived by the person involved itself, the cognitive drafting that includes the process of learning, thinking, solving problems, forgetting, Psychological changes and cognitive structures. All of these can be influenced by the biological conditions of the individual, the principle of the Organization, and the conditions that produce the original structure, the needs and emotions of one's.

Social cognitive theories used in psychology, education and communication play a role in the acquisition of one's knowledge that can relate directly to observations of others in the context of social interactions, experiences and External media influences. This theory was proposed by Albert Bandura as an extension of the social learning theory. The theory states that when people observe a single example that showcases behaviors and their consequences, they can recall the order of the events and use this information to lead to subsequent behavior.

Because of the influence of the mass media role in the community, understanding the psychological mechanisms through symbolic communication affects human mind. Albert Bandura developed this theory since the 1960s that explains on how and why there is a tendency to emulate what people see through certain media or through others. This is the development of a social learning theory that suggests frameworks for understanding and predicting and altering human behaviour. Cognitive orientation in communication psychology is understood through social cognitive theories that emphasize the human capacity to learn without passing a direct experience.

This theory is therefore also referred to as observational learning theory that depends on several things, including the ability of the subject to understand and remember what it sees, identifying through the mediation of characters or situations that will Affect impersonation of the behavior. Cognitive orientation in communication psychology often uses this theory as a learning theory of media and Mass communication, health communication or interpersonal communication. The goal is to explain how a person regulates his behaviour through control and reinforcement to achieve behavior in order to achieve a goal that can be maintained at all times.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


People who lack an understanding of introvert and antisocial understanding sometimes equate both terms equally. But the fact is not the same, many people who interpret introvert is anti-social. actually, both terms are two different things. Introvert can not be said as antisocial, nor vice versa. To find out what are introvert and antisocial differences, here are examples of the explanations below:

1. Introvert is comfortable with oneself but capable of having good relations with others while the antisocial itself is not able to relate to others in a healthy.

People who have an introvert attitude, he tends to just love to do everything himself, he feels comfortable with a quiet state rather than crowded. However, introverts are able to forge a good relationship to the surrounding people. Unlike antisocial, he chooses to withdraw from the environment. So to interact with others is somewhat difficult. 

2. Introvert is a form of personality but antisocial is a problem in the mental health of one

Next, introvert and antisocial differences are you must be cautious if you have colleagues or relatives with antisocial indications. Because the antisocial people are almost the same as psychopathic people. They like to cheat, influence, hate and reject everything that is good. Because antisocial looked at everything badly in their eyes. Unlike introverts that have closed characters, they tend to rarely hate others.

3. Someone who is antisocial can be a very extroverted and open person while introvert can not be an extrovert

Generally people think that someone who is antisocial prefers themselves and does not like to gather with others. Who they think can be able to become extroverted and open to others as they are. However, generally in certain objectives, often negative objectives. While introvert is different because they can not be an ektrovert figure because it is a personality that can not be changed. 

4. Introvert can relate to people close to him, while antisocial has no sense of empathy towards others

To know introvert and antisocial differences is if introverts have a sense of empathy. They can also forge a relationship with people closest to him and have a sense of caring about the feelings of others. But the antisocial person has no caring taste and is also very selfish, he only cares about himself.

5. One who has an introvert attitude can not be changed but the antisocial person can still be changed

The next Intovert and antisocial difference is if the introvert cannot be changed. It is a positive and unproblematic personality when one has a personality as an introvert. However, people with antisocial souls this is a disease that needs to be healed. So it needs to be changed because otherwise it will affect the worse, because he will hurt other people also himself.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Cognitive orientation in communication psychology in the theory of Bandura has a beginning of various ideas regarding different theories as follows:

  • Model of Causation/Model cause – Human adaptation in this theory model is explained through the term ' triadic reciprocal causation ' or ' triadik reciprocity. This Model illustrates the continuous interaction between environmental, behavioral and personal factors.
  • Symbolizing ability/Symbolizing Capability-This theory Model describes the human capacity to be free from the learning process in the form of ' trial and error ', where the symbolization allows individual abstract thinking to prescribe an experience that May occur, tested with rational thinking.
  • Vicarious Capability – states that one can learn behavior by observing the actions of others and the consequences of that action. Human-owned skills to learn that are derived will impede the learning process while conducting to achieve behavior.
  • The ability to think – the behavior of the human being partly has a specific purpose and is therefore governed by the thought that has occurred. Thought will require reflection on the consequences of action, setting goals and planning what actions will be taken. Individuals will realise the concept of thought and outcome and create motivation or even barriers to direct the selection of what action to take.
  • Self-regulating ability – the combination of standard personal and community standards is used for self-evaluation and can be changed according to the needs. Self-monitoring will be expected to have an effect on the motivation or inhibitory experienced by a person when he or she is considering a particular action.
  • Self-reflection ability – people evaluate their behaviour and adjust according to the consequences that will be experienced and also adhered to the standards from within and outside. This is part of the individual's perception of their competence. Self-reflection emphasized by Bandura can produce the wrong mindset.
  • Human Nature – This trait comes from genetic factors that can affect potential behaviour. Therefore human action is a combination of cognitive abilities that have been studied with the psycho-physiological factors that were brought from birth.


Sunday, May 19, 2019


The assumption that there is in cognitive orientation in the psychology of communication is that one learning process will occur if an observed model that displays certain behaviors and earns rewards or penalties as a result of such behaviour. This observation will develop hope for what will happen if it performs the behavior. Some difficulties in communicating reflect a range of potential cognitive changes such as the following:

1. Difficulty concentrating and focusing
Problems in this field can lead to difficulties in communicating as follows, for example, can not concentrate on television programs that can usually be enjoyed so as to start to invite talk and mess up the focus of others who are also are enjoying the program. There may also be difficulties focusing on the conversation so that it often ends the conversation suddenly – or avoiding it at once. Failing to pay attention to the critical information that causes them to say unworthy and embarrassing, and having difficulty dividing attention between two or more activities.

2. Memory problems
Someone with a memory problem may find it difficult to access the information they know. This can affect the ability of such remembering words and remembering the names of people, which is very important to communicate socially. Failure to remember the name, face, or relevant information in a conversation can lead to embarrassment and consequently will avoid social situations.

3. Literal interpretation
Damage to the right part of the brain may cause a person's verbal interpretation ability to be very concrete and understand things literally. They may experience deficiencies to capture the meaning of humor and sarcasm and skip the implied meanings in the conversation. This issue could result in a person receiving the message the wrong way. It can also misunderstand the common expressions that people use.

4. Decreased logic and problem solving ability
Changes in problem solving capabilities can result in a problem when one cannot use the language to think thoroughly and solve the problem. This could cause them to use wrong judgment and wrong decisions as well. Inadequate and incapacitated inability to solve problems can also be caused by people experiencing difficulties in their conversational style, by failing to understand the logical viewpoint of others and becoming unflexible in his own opinion.

5. Cognitive fatigue
The term is a long-term commonly used term in cognitive psychology as a consequence of brain injury. If one is exhausted, then it is often not able to manage its well-being especially in communicating. Reduced attention and concentration, they will be less able to think clearly and can be irritable and aggressive. Cognitive fatigue can also cause other communication problems such as aphasia, Dysarthia and dyspraxia of speech.

6. Slow processing of information
Cognitive orientation in communication psychology in the form of slow processing of communication is a common consequence of brain injury and could mean that a person cannot follow a fast-growing conversation. Often he would comment that he had difficulty when he was busy or when talking to more than one person.

7. Lack of social communication skills
Difficulties in social communication in particular are linked to brain frontal lobe injuries. Difficulties in this area may mean that one cannot recognize the social clues of the day – both verbal and non-verbal. There is a wide range of acceptable norms in any culture, and brain injuries may be able to affect a person's ability to effectively recognize and apply these norms.

Friday, May 17, 2019


Language is the center of all our lives and is regarded as a cultural tool that distinguishes humans from other species. In some ways, language is the behavior that allows the human singularity to arise such as religion and science. We use language to shop for supermarkets, get jobs, buy train tickets, compose emails, make calls, and so on. Language allows us to make friends, even enemies, pass the time of the day, and so forth. In daily life we produce and understand languages with levels that have been deemed appropriate.

No matter whether we are rich or poor, white or black, we need to have at least one language. It may be impossible to even imagine a place or situation in life where it does not use language to serve as an expression and communication tool. Language social and psychological functions are also crucial and become increasingly important. Perhaps even the language function in psychology becomes mixed with the language function in other areas. Some language functions in psychology include:

1. Communication function

The most basic language functions including the language function in psychology as we already know is to express something, attempt to express a change of statement, fear, delight, pain or confusion. In many cases the language also serves as a communication tool with other members of the group especially in hazardous situations. It is likely a response to an automatic instinct function, and is also found in lower organisms as well. At the human level, the role of communication carries a more crucial importance. 

2. Interpretive function

The language function in this psychology is very evident in the human life, when certain expressions serve as a stimulus to others to interpret certain situations. This interpretive function itself serves to restore the cognitive balance. If the stimulus itself creates a condition of uncertainty or new situation, interpretation can explain the situation and restore the balance. Certain interpretations will help put information in a proper position in a person's cognitive world. 

3. Control function

Speaking of control functions, there is a separate social dimension of individual dimensions. Slowly when a relationship is formed between a certain existence and stimulus it will result in a reaction. This is where there is a beginning of control occurring at a simple level, this control function may be accidental and realized but along with a person's growth and the more concentrated the environment, the language control function will be increasingly centered.

4. Remembering and thinking functions

Imagine if we were able to think and remember without using words. It is almost impossible to repeat back or remember, even think without using words and language. Language is what helps us to decode experiences, keep them and remember and resubmit them. Languages also help us translate the experience into thoughts and engage in the process in different types.

5. The discovery function of a person's name

One of the most important stepping stones in the development of a child is the discovery that it has a name and this is the beginning of self-identity, which will lead to the development of feelings like ' me ', ' I ', ' mine ', ' other people ' , ' not me ' and so forth. The discovery of a person's name is a language function in psychology that plays a crucial role in the overall psychological development of the individual. This is the beginning of self identity and effort to see oneself as an object. This is what essentially makes the difference between human and non human organisms, as well as between early childhood and an adult or disturbed adult person. The issue of self-concept formation and self-identity has been tested in greater detail elsewhere, but the important point to remember is that the very critical role is played by the language in self-development and development Psychology as a whole.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


The law is very close and influential enough in human life that aims to direct his life towards better. Blackburn (in Bartol & Bartol, 1994; Kapardis, 1995) divides the role of psychology in law: Psychology in Law, psychology and Law, psychology of law.
  • Psychology in law, a practical application of psychology that exists in the field of law, as a psychologist is invited to be an expert witness in the judicial process.
  • Psychology and law, which includes the field of psycho-legal research, which is research on individuals related to the law such as judges, prosecutors, lawyers, defendants.
  • Psychology of law, is a relationship between the field of law and a more abstract psychology, where the law is a defining behavior. The issues that are studied include how the community affects the law and how the law affects society.
The above view corresponds to the opinion of Mark Constanzo (2006) that the role or contributions of social psychology in the legal system:
  • As advisors
  • As evaluators
  • As a reformer

1. Physical typological approaches in personality

This approach was popularized by Sheldon and Kretchmer. With this approach, Sheldon and Kretchmer consider that there is a relationship between a person's body type physically with the type of personality. Where can be seen personality differences between people who are tall, short, fat, thin and other body shapes.
For example, suppose that someone who is muscular is more likely to commit crimes. As such, a person with a short head shape, red hair, and an unprominent jaw is more pronounced with a thief's physique. This approach might be useful to see the potential for someone committing a crime.

2. A personality Trait theory approach

Unlike the previous theory, the personality trait theory further considers certain personality characteristics that affect a person's action against the law. For example someone who has a brave, dominant, extrovert and high motivation character meets his physical needs tend to potentially commit crimes.
3. Psychoanalysis approach

This approach mentions that criminal acts arise because of a relationship that is not good with the parents so that the perpetrator has emotions that can be transmitted through criminal acts. Generally, crime occurs as a result of the love relationship of the lost mother and child or the lack of attention of the father to the child who caused him to do bad deeds to get attention.

4. Approach to social learning theory

Through this approach, we learn that a person who behaves as a criminal is a result of the learning process from his environment. For example, during her lifetime she saw irregularities in the house, group, school or other environment so she saw her as an example of committing criminal. Thus, in order to deal with this we must keep the law thoroughly in the environment to prevent the emergence of deviations because as little as any such deviations can be expanded if not immediately addressed.

5. Approach to Cognitive theory

With this cognitive approach, researchers are trying to understand the mindset of thinking of a criminal offender. Researchers will try to take samples from the perpetrators, such as those who are manipulating experts, wild and compulsive, or someone who cannot control themselves to commit crimes. From this research, it can be concluded that criminals have internal and consistent logic, but are wrong and irresponsible.

6. Investigation of criminal cases

In resolving a criminal case, it will take a lot of information from victims, witnesses, and suspects. The decision will be based on the information provided by each Party, where the prosecutor or the judge cannot see for themselves the correctness of the information obtained. Thus, the role of witnesses is crucial.
By using the application of social psychology in the legal world, efforts will be made to minimize bias in witness statements. Judging from the side of psychology it is possible for witnesses to forget about the occurrence and not be able to give accurate testimony. Thus, it can be used techniques of hypnosis and cognitive interviews. Usually, this technique is done when the witnesses were first interviewed in the police. 

Sunday, May 5, 2019

7 Way How to Deal with Body Shaming

1. Try to cover the shortcomings by highlighting the other side

One of the important things that you should avoid in the face of scorn of body shaming is to try to cover up that lack by highlighting the strengths that you have.

Like if you have short legs, then try to cover it up with long or more appropriate clothes.

Or by giving your side more like you have strong legs so you are agile enough to walk using high heels.

2. Ignore Each Other's Mockery

How to deal with other body shaming You can ignore and ignore every sneer from others, by replying with positive words and being able to be ignorant.

Let's just say they are jealous and feel jealous of the strength you have, and don't be a burden.

Just make it as a breeze and let it go! along with your indifference.

3. Associate with Different People

Try not to look afraid and afraid of what people say about you, so you should start looking for and associating with people who have differences with you.

Try to open up and before you decide who you hang out make sure they deserve to be made new friends.

It will be easy for you to adapt and forget about self-deficiency, because the environment that accepts you is.

4. Have a Perspective About the Meaning of Beauty and Perfection

Next in finding ways to deal with body shaming, you also have to have an assessment and perspective on the meaning of beauty as well as the perfection of different versions.

Don't because your imperfect physique thinks you are not pretty.

Open up your insights into the true meaning of beauty, after you know that you will feel more confident and believe you are not as bad as people say.

5. Positive Thinking With Deficiencies Owned

Every shortcoming that you have is not used as a barrier for you to enjoy life. Remember life is only once, so think about something more pleasant.

Not only because of the scorn of other people you are so easy to give up, every thing God creates has a good thing.

Likewise you have to be able to think positively about what you have, make your shortcomings as a life encouragement to achieve better.

While you are healthy and strong, multiply doing activities that you like, rather than thinking about things that are not important, for example you can travel, work properly and so on, so enjoy your life.

6. Leave People Who Think Badly

The way to deal with body shaming that you can do is to leave people who think badly about you.

Don't let them linger in your life, while you can stay away, and if you can't, then busy yourself with useful and entertaining activities.

Look for other friends who are able to accept you well and what they are. Just respond to them with smiles and positive words, and the important thing is that you have to have principles and assertiveness, don't let their words become emotions for you.

7. Love yourself

If you don't respect yourself, then no one else will. Therefore, love yourself as you wish.

Pamper yourself to get good things, don't let your shortcomings become your barrier to happiness.

Discover new worlds with friends and new partners that further color your life. So that you will feel comfortable and happy to face life every day.