Theory of Psychology

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Communication is a complex process and involves many aspects of thinking and social ability. If the damage to the brain occurs then it will affect one of these capabilities including the ability to communicate successfully. The difficulty in cognitive communication is the term often used for the problem. The frontal lobes section in particular is crucial for the ability of cognitive communication due to its role in brain executive function, flexible thinking ability and social behaviour. Nevertheless, many other parts of the brain interact to showcase other important skills such as the temporal lobes and the parietal lobes.

Psychology that uses cognitive orientation, in theory, will be centered on the process – the central process for example in attitudes, ideas, and expectations used to describe behavior. Cognitive orentation differs from the psychoanalytic orientation that learns the most in-depth processes such as unconsciousness, Id, as well as the behavioristic theories of theory that emphasize the study of behavior in processes that occur outside such as Stimuli and replies. Learning about cognitive theories relates to processes that occur in a person's brain system as well as a person's nervous system that learns that a person will be actively processing information.

Definition of cognitive orientation

Cognitive orientation in communication psychology has a basic concept that learns the concept of communication, thinking and knowledge building. Expressed in the cognitive theory that human behavior is active and described as an environment perceived by the person involved itself, the cognitive drafting that includes the process of learning, thinking, solving problems, forgetting, Psychological changes and cognitive structures. All of these can be influenced by the biological conditions of the individual, the principle of the Organization, and the conditions that produce the original structure, the needs and emotions of one's.

Social cognitive theories used in psychology, education and communication play a role in the acquisition of one's knowledge that can relate directly to observations of others in the context of social interactions, experiences and External media influences. This theory was proposed by Albert Bandura as an extension of the social learning theory. The theory states that when people observe a single example that showcases behaviors and their consequences, they can recall the order of the events and use this information to lead to subsequent behavior.

Because of the influence of the mass media role in the community, understanding the psychological mechanisms through symbolic communication affects human mind. Albert Bandura developed this theory since the 1960s that explains on how and why there is a tendency to emulate what people see through certain media or through others. This is the development of a social learning theory that suggests frameworks for understanding and predicting and altering human behaviour. Cognitive orientation in communication psychology is understood through social cognitive theories that emphasize the human capacity to learn without passing a direct experience.

This theory is therefore also referred to as observational learning theory that depends on several things, including the ability of the subject to understand and remember what it sees, identifying through the mediation of characters or situations that will Affect impersonation of the behavior. Cognitive orientation in communication psychology often uses this theory as a learning theory of media and Mass communication, health communication or interpersonal communication. The goal is to explain how a person regulates his behaviour through control and reinforcement to achieve behavior in order to achieve a goal that can be maintained at all times.