Theory of Psychology

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


People who lack an understanding of introvert and antisocial understanding sometimes equate both terms equally. But the fact is not the same, many people who interpret introvert is anti-social. actually, both terms are two different things. Introvert can not be said as antisocial, nor vice versa. To find out what are introvert and antisocial differences, here are examples of the explanations below:

1. Introvert is comfortable with oneself but capable of having good relations with others while the antisocial itself is not able to relate to others in a healthy.

People who have an introvert attitude, he tends to just love to do everything himself, he feels comfortable with a quiet state rather than crowded. However, introverts are able to forge a good relationship to the surrounding people. Unlike antisocial, he chooses to withdraw from the environment. So to interact with others is somewhat difficult. 

2. Introvert is a form of personality but antisocial is a problem in the mental health of one

Next, introvert and antisocial differences are you must be cautious if you have colleagues or relatives with antisocial indications. Because the antisocial people are almost the same as psychopathic people. They like to cheat, influence, hate and reject everything that is good. Because antisocial looked at everything badly in their eyes. Unlike introverts that have closed characters, they tend to rarely hate others.

3. Someone who is antisocial can be a very extroverted and open person while introvert can not be an extrovert

Generally people think that someone who is antisocial prefers themselves and does not like to gather with others. Who they think can be able to become extroverted and open to others as they are. However, generally in certain objectives, often negative objectives. While introvert is different because they can not be an ektrovert figure because it is a personality that can not be changed. 

4. Introvert can relate to people close to him, while antisocial has no sense of empathy towards others

To know introvert and antisocial differences is if introverts have a sense of empathy. They can also forge a relationship with people closest to him and have a sense of caring about the feelings of others. But the antisocial person has no caring taste and is also very selfish, he only cares about himself.

5. One who has an introvert attitude can not be changed but the antisocial person can still be changed

The next Intovert and antisocial difference is if the introvert cannot be changed. It is a positive and unproblematic personality when one has a personality as an introvert. However, people with antisocial souls this is a disease that needs to be healed. So it needs to be changed because otherwise it will affect the worse, because he will hurt other people also himself.