Theory of Psychology

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

6 Jobs for You Who Study Forensic Psychology

Even though various cases relating to the criminal justice process often relate to various problems, but as legal issues. In fact, many legal problems require roles. Contributions in the field of forensics actually cover a very broad study area, starting to study the profiles of offender professions, uncovering the neuropsychological, genetic, and developmental processes of perpetrators. Forensic Psychology Professional Job. The following will present the duties of the forensic psychology profession at each stage of the criminal justice process and 11 Work for You Who Study Forensic Psychology.

1. In the police

As explained earlier, the task of the police in criminal justice is to investigate and investigate (Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia, 1982). In certain cases psychologists can be asked for help so that the information obtained is close to the truth. Forensic psychologists can assist police investigations with perpetrators, victims and witnesses.

2. On the offender

Forensic psychologists can assist the police in conducting interrogations (Bartol & Bartol, 1994; Constanzo, 2006; Gudjonsson & Haward, 1998; Putwain & Sammons, 2002), making criminal profiling, detecting lies (Constanzo, 2006). Help forensic psychologists in questioning the perpetrators to admit their mistakes. Usually if the police deal with it, then the technique used is the old model, which uses violence as a threat to the perpetrators who are interrogated, if the perpetrator shows signs of lying then the police will hit or slap the perpetrator, essentially hurting physically in the hope that the perpetrator will say honest.

3. Skill checks data and autopsy

This skill is very necessary to check data, perhaps between the perpetrator and the victim or with other informants. In addition, for cases that are still ambiguous between victims who committed suicide or were killed, forensic psychologists can enter as experts to conduct autopsies. The way to do an autopsy is to assess the source of the evidence, indirectly, such as the record left behind by the deceased, data from a friend or family of the victim.

The purpose of the psychology autopsy is to reconstruct the emotional state, personality, mind and lifestyle of the deceased. Until it can be drawn several hypotheses to help the police in deciding whether the victim is suicidal or killed.

5. At the prosecutor's office

Forensic psychologists can assist prosecutors by providing information related to the psychological condition of the perpetrator and the victim. In cases of domestic violence with the condition of the victim experiencing severe psychological trauma. Information on forensic psychology about the psychological condition of the victim can be used as a basis for prosecuting the perpetrator. Psychologists can also provide training to prosecutors related to the style of asking witnesses, victims and perpetrators. Ancok (1995) suggests that the questioning style of prosecutors will lead to misinformation.

6. Medical examiner (medical examiner)

Usually the fees for this profession are very high. However, being a medical examiner means you have to go through a long period of study, be able to handle mutilated corpses, and undergo irregular working hours.

Although there are routine and boring protocols, sometimes clever criminals who use unusual killing techniques can make you feel challenged in solving cases. To undergo this profession, you must have a medical degree. A bachelor's degree in biology or chemistry can also be a basis. Take forensic concentration.

Especially for odontological forensics, you must have the basis of dental education. Usually, this profession is a part-time consultant.