Theory of Psychology

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

6 Way How to Overcome Job Insecurity According to Psychology

Not everyone will feel comfortable in a job, especially he already has a lot of experience and hours of flying or senior. A career that does not increase, the atmosphere of the environment, also the attitude of coworkers as well as a solid boss can be the trigger for the emergence of job security. Here are tips and ways to deal with depression because of daily work.

Sometimes these complicated problems make a person have to act decisively like resigning or asking for a mutation. However, before you think negatively about it. Next, know how to overcome job insecurity according to psychology as below:

1. Know the Cause of Job Insecure

Before feeling confused and also uncomfortable approaching the atmosphere of your work, then know first what causes it to occur. This is important because you can find out more about how to overcome it if it can still be conditioned. However, if the problem is too complicated, then you try to think of a way out by asking for help from a trusted partner. That way you will decide which is the best choice later.

2. Be sincere in work

Furthermore, the way to overcome job insecurity according to psychology is to be sincere with the situation at hand. You do not know in the future what you will get with your sincere attitude. If from the beginning you have the motivation to sincerely work on all tasks sincerely. So, you will quickly move on from feeling disappointed, upset, angry and not accepting when your boss or reality accidentally hurts the results of your work.

Also read:
The characteristics of a person have been exposed to job insecurity
Work for those of you who study forensic psychology

3. Dare to act

When you are faced with problems and work that is crowded, from there sometimes ideas or initiatives appear to find the best solution. Be brave enough to convey the idea to your team and boss. Maybe this is a complaint and also a problem from the team's work and you have been able to solve it. And thus you can seek the sympathy of your boss to believe and appreciate what you have all this time.

4. Intend to Train and Learn Lots

The problems that exist today should not be regarded as mere coincidences. You who have worked in one company for a long time with a position and occupation, of course all of that is your fortune and success so far. Therefore do not waste the sacrifice as well as your struggle. Take all available knowledge, study and learn. Suppose that all of that is an exercise and also getting excited for you to be more advanced and successful. Because there is nothing in this world that is in vain as long as you still believe and struggle.

5. Make a Target or Taq Line

The way to overcome job insecurity according to other psychology is to make a target or tag line or deadline. What you want is like a goal and target to make it regularly. If in the near future your goal is realized, it will change the atmosphere of your work much better. But if on the contrary make an investigation and check if something is wrong. If yes, repair and repeat again until you are absolutely sure you feel comfortable again.

6. Be indifferent

The extreme attitude that you can do in overcoming job insecure in a company is ignorance. You can be casual or relaxed in dealing with any problems. This will make you more enjoy, free and without burden, the more you are supported in the same problem will make you more stressful. Therefore, learn about emotional management and ignorance, so that the spirit of work will be more motivated.
