Theory of Psychology

Saturday, March 2, 2019

How To Increase Self Confidence

The Importance of Having Confidence. Confidence is a must in each person. Why? If it's not us who believe in ourselves, then who else? In addition, having confidence brings benefits that we rarely expect. First, having confidence makes us able to show who we are. Confidence is not the same as arrogant, but pride can be seen from excessive self-confidence. Having confidence makes it easier for us to interact with many new people in a new environment. Imagine if we were always pessimistic about ourselves, other people would think twice about getting to know and trust ourselves.

The second benefit of having self-confidence is making us as individuals who are not easily affected. Why? Confidence arises from self-confidence, plus if we have firm and realistic thoughts. If the inner foundation is strong, any temptation will not easily affect us. In addition, believing in yourself is proven to make us become optimistic individuals, thinking broadly that we are able to do things like other people do. In the end, we tend to be open to doing new things and not afraid to fail. Even if we fail, we can think that this is a stepping stone to achieving further success.

And How To Increase Self Confidence?

1. Be aware of talent

The first way to increase self-confidence is to realize talent. Everyone has it. Study what your talents are, it could be tucked into the hobby you are living now. One of the mistakes of people, almost everyone, is not recognizing their talents. We know that everyone has weaknesses, but everyone also has advantages. The way of life of each person is different and that is what makes everyone not the same.
The first way to gather confidence is to recognize yourself. What are my strengths and weaknesses? What do i like What did I quickly learn? Such questions will make people able to judge themselves, identify plus and minus values, and develop positive things in themselves.

2. Develop talents that you have realized

Don't feel talented? Then try to focus on developing a hobby that you are now doing! Identifying what is superior or talent is a problem for some people. It's difficult to judge which of the talents or strengths can be optimized. In fact, this can be reflected easily, for example through everyday life.

Watch what you like and you do intensely. Slowly identify and realize everything you do happily even if you have to take up your time or energy. One or two of these things can be your talents or interests. Both are important points that you can develop. For example, you might not mind writing a long story or hobbies reading news and following a case while studying it. This can be an example of talent (writing, or as a detective). Even simple things like this can be a positive thing that must be developed. What for? Of course to foster that confidence.

3. Learn to think positively

There is no advantage of negative thinking. Thinking bad things will only waste time. Thinking negatively or pessimistically does not help the problems we face, instead it worsens. As a result, instead of getting enlightenment or a solution to the problem at hand, we face a phase where we are filled with thoughts of bad fantasies that might happen - but not necessarily, even impossible!

5. No need to compare yourself with other people.

The disadvantage that almost everyone has is comparing themselves with others. Seeing and judging others is certainly a much easier job than having to judge yourself. Unfortunately, these judgments often do not see the whole life course of the other person and often the best part is seen. As a result, we often give very good value to others, but not to ourselves. Everyone has their own way of life.
