Theory of Psychology

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

6 Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Self-Control in Psychology

Relationship between emotional intelligence and self-control is very close to one another. In general, self-control is defined as a desire and ability to achieve a life that is harmonious, balanced and harmonious to the rights and obligations of individuals in family life, community, nation and state. Then, what are the actual relationships of emotional intelligence with self-control ?, along with the explanation.

1. Increase awareness

Everyone will certainly be aware if a negative form of thought or feeling arises. Usually, someone who does not have self-control and emotional intelligence will not be able to capture the negative thoughts or feelings that emerge so that they will be directly controlled and paralyzed by negative thoughts and feelings such as when someone offends or insults us that can make someone angry immediately.

If someone does not have self-control and emotional intelligence, then the anger can appear so quickly and suddenly it will be overwhelmed by that anger. But when someone has self-control and emotional intelligence, then someone will immediately be aware of these thoughts and will immediately stop the same effect as the relationship of emotional intelligence with self-confidence.

2. Achieve Long-Term Goals

When a person has emotional intelligence and good self-control, he can help himself to achieve his long-term goals. To be able to get these long-term goals, one must be able to resist all kinds of temptations that occur as soon as possible.

For example, when feeling afraid, emotional intelligence and self-control will make someone able to control and find ways to get out of that fear. When tempted to be lazy and give up, the ability to control themselves and emotional intelligence in psychology will be very helpful in getting out of the situation.

3. Eliminating anxiety and worry

When someone experiences negative emotions, it is often disturbed by various things that make him unable to focus and this is where the importance of emotional intelligence and self-control to have. Later, a person will be able to divert his attention from various useless things that characterize self-control and kind of emotions so that they can focus more on the things that are relevant and important in their lives.

In research it has also been proven if someone who has emotional intelligence and good self-control can overcome the anxiety and anxiety that is felt very well too.

4. Adding information for motivation

Because there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and self-control not only arises from clear thinking, but actually this also happens from the conscience. This can later provide all that arises from the feeling of adding important information that can motivate the individual to be able to find the potential he has.

Someone who has emotional intelligence and self-control and understands about emotional restraint tips will also use them appropriately. For example, a poorly controlled appetite can cause illness and even accountability for halal food.

5. Improve community life

Emotional intelligence and self-control are aspects that are very much needed in community life and certainly very useful to apply in everyday life. In addition to the family environment, school and community environment, emotional intelligence and self-control can also motivate someone to obtain benefits that will change it from what is thought to be what is done.

6. Improving a Good Personal Image

Individuals who have good emotional intelligence and self-control will be easier to get along with, be able to act firmly, not easily be afraid of something, have a strong will to engage with others, be more consistent and various other good things.

The relationship of emotional intelligence with self-control prioritizes the ratio which will be very important to give motivation so that one can get the best solution in even an emergency situation.

The relationship of personal intelligence with self-control is not only important for personal but also for social life in school, work and community. For that, these two elements are very important to be mastered by everyone so that they are not easily affected by various negative things that can damage a decision or action to be taken. Hopefully this review can be useful and make yourself better for life