Theory of Psychology

Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Cognitive orientation in communication psychology in the theory of Bandura has a beginning of various ideas regarding different theories as follows:

  • Model of Causation/Model cause – Human adaptation in this theory model is explained through the term ' triadic reciprocal causation ' or ' triadik reciprocity. This Model illustrates the continuous interaction between environmental, behavioral and personal factors.
  • Symbolizing ability/Symbolizing Capability-This theory Model describes the human capacity to be free from the learning process in the form of ' trial and error ', where the symbolization allows individual abstract thinking to prescribe an experience that May occur, tested with rational thinking.
  • Vicarious Capability – states that one can learn behavior by observing the actions of others and the consequences of that action. Human-owned skills to learn that are derived will impede the learning process while conducting to achieve behavior.
  • The ability to think – the behavior of the human being partly has a specific purpose and is therefore governed by the thought that has occurred. Thought will require reflection on the consequences of action, setting goals and planning what actions will be taken. Individuals will realise the concept of thought and outcome and create motivation or even barriers to direct the selection of what action to take.
  • Self-regulating ability – the combination of standard personal and community standards is used for self-evaluation and can be changed according to the needs. Self-monitoring will be expected to have an effect on the motivation or inhibitory experienced by a person when he or she is considering a particular action.
  • Self-reflection ability – people evaluate their behaviour and adjust according to the consequences that will be experienced and also adhered to the standards from within and outside. This is part of the individual's perception of their competence. Self-reflection emphasized by Bandura can produce the wrong mindset.
  • Human Nature – This trait comes from genetic factors that can affect potential behaviour. Therefore human action is a combination of cognitive abilities that have been studied with the psycho-physiological factors that were brought from birth.
