Theory of Psychology

Sunday, May 5, 2019

7 Way How to Deal with Body Shaming

1. Try to cover the shortcomings by highlighting the other side

One of the important things that you should avoid in the face of scorn of body shaming is to try to cover up that lack by highlighting the strengths that you have.

Like if you have short legs, then try to cover it up with long or more appropriate clothes.

Or by giving your side more like you have strong legs so you are agile enough to walk using high heels.

2. Ignore Each Other's Mockery

How to deal with other body shaming You can ignore and ignore every sneer from others, by replying with positive words and being able to be ignorant.

Let's just say they are jealous and feel jealous of the strength you have, and don't be a burden.

Just make it as a breeze and let it go! along with your indifference.

3. Associate with Different People

Try not to look afraid and afraid of what people say about you, so you should start looking for and associating with people who have differences with you.

Try to open up and before you decide who you hang out make sure they deserve to be made new friends.

It will be easy for you to adapt and forget about self-deficiency, because the environment that accepts you is.

4. Have a Perspective About the Meaning of Beauty and Perfection

Next in finding ways to deal with body shaming, you also have to have an assessment and perspective on the meaning of beauty as well as the perfection of different versions.

Don't because your imperfect physique thinks you are not pretty.

Open up your insights into the true meaning of beauty, after you know that you will feel more confident and believe you are not as bad as people say.

5. Positive Thinking With Deficiencies Owned

Every shortcoming that you have is not used as a barrier for you to enjoy life. Remember life is only once, so think about something more pleasant.

Not only because of the scorn of other people you are so easy to give up, every thing God creates has a good thing.

Likewise you have to be able to think positively about what you have, make your shortcomings as a life encouragement to achieve better.

While you are healthy and strong, multiply doing activities that you like, rather than thinking about things that are not important, for example you can travel, work properly and so on, so enjoy your life.

6. Leave People Who Think Badly

The way to deal with body shaming that you can do is to leave people who think badly about you.

Don't let them linger in your life, while you can stay away, and if you can't, then busy yourself with useful and entertaining activities.

Look for other friends who are able to accept you well and what they are. Just respond to them with smiles and positive words, and the important thing is that you have to have principles and assertiveness, don't let their words become emotions for you.

7. Love yourself

If you don't respect yourself, then no one else will. Therefore, love yourself as you wish.

Pamper yourself to get good things, don't let your shortcomings become your barrier to happiness.

Discover new worlds with friends and new partners that further color your life. So that you will feel comfortable and happy to face life every day.