Theory of Psychology

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

7 Step How To Avoid Depression due to Work

On October 10, the whole world celebrated mental health day and the theme of mental health in workplace was raised to provide awareness for everyone if mental health for workers is very important. From the records of the World Health Organization, abbreviated WHO, there are around 300 million people in the world who are depressed and 260 million of them experience excessive anxiety, which disrupts their daily activities. Job demands are one of the main causes of depression, so the consequences of mental disorders until suicide are also increasing for workers in the creative world. If indeed you are experiencing this psychological problem, then several ways to overcome depression because of the following work you can do.

1. Take Holiday

The fatigue that occurs because of work that can later cause severe depressive traits will actually not disappear if you do not completely move away from the routine. For that you should, take the time to do holidays, especially holidays that can offer the beauty of nature and soothing weather like the mountains. With this, the stress generated from work can be released and you can return to work with a fresher mood and mind.

2. Meet the doctor

All types of depression such as those caused by marital failure, failure in relationships, work and various other types of depression can be overcome with anti-depressants and psychotherapy. Maybe, for how to deal with stress and depression it takes several trials to find the most appropriate drug to deal with the symptoms of depression experienced. This method is very well done so that later it can return to work properly. In fact, a study found that someone who consumed anti-depressants for eight weeks would be more productive so that they could work better than those not treated with anti-depressants.

3. Create a Good Work Environment

The condition of the work environment has an important role about the good and bad quality of employee performance results. If the work environment feels quite comfortable and communication between employees goes well, it will certainly provide more optimal job performance. But when the work environment is filled with chaos and is characterized by unfair competition between employees, depression and boredom will reduce work motivation day by day.

Also Read (How To Create a Good Work Environment)

For this reason, you should start good communication between employees in order to build stronger cooperation as a way to deal with severe stress and depression. With better communication, not only will the harmony of the team be maintained but also eliminate the depression experienced when working because each other will share and help to solve all work problems.

4.  Laughs

When you are at a point of saturation and are getting tired of facing work in the office that causes depression and mood disorders in psychology, then you should take a moment to laugh. Although it sounds very trivial, but laughing can actually make the body become more relaxed while reducing the level of stress and depression experienced. In order to be able to laugh, it can also be done easily like seeing a variety of funny videos even if only briefly or chatting with coworkers about things that can be entertaining.

5. Listening to music

Listening to music is one of the best ways to relieve stress and depression because of work. Playing music that you like has been proven to be able to relax your mind and improve your mood to work. Music itself can also affect not only the mind but also the body so that it becomes an easy way to deal with depression due to the work.

6. Apply a Healthy Lifestyle

You can also get rid of depression that is being experienced by implementing a healthy lifestyle. Changing lifestyles that make yourself more difficult is also important to do which is very good for overcoming signs of depression due to work. Also make sure that the life you live is done happily and passionately. Apply a healthy lifestyle in several easy ways such as eating regularly, sleeping regularly and also making sure to interact with other people. Also make sure if the environmental conditions are healthy so that you can feel comfortable, safe and can provide happiness.

7. Create Ergonomic Working Conditions

If the work space is arranged ergonomically, then the body will automatically be free from tension as well as the mind. If your arms are always bent during typing, make sure you are looking for a separate keyboard or you can use the mouse to relieve tension on the wrist and day. Place items that are often used near you to reduce tension just to find something that is needed. Also adjust your seat so that the body position can face straight to the computer screen and not make the neck feel tense because you have to look up or too down.