Theory of Psychology

Sunday, February 17, 2019

HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY : Effect of Technology on Human Behavior

technology and humanity

Technology has a quite important role in life and also human behavior, where technology is interpreted as the application of a science that can be linked in terms of communication, so technology does have a connection between community life and its relationship with others.

Technology does have a very important role for human life, where its influence can also affect human behavior. We have seen dependence on technology very often from various examples of everyday life, one of which is dependence on the internet and also computers. The influence of gadgets on children's psychology has a variety of adverse effects and also makes human behavior not good.

Technology can also be likened to a process, where in that case it is necessary to do various processes and also significant components. For example rigers (1986) which defines that communication technology is a hard tool, organizational structure and social values ​​used to collect, process and also exchange information with others. Like the use of Information Systems in psychology which is also still related to technology. For more details in this article we will discuss various technological influences on human behavior.


1. The emergence of a culture of plagiarism

Indirectly the technology will indeed make us find various sources or things very easily through the internet. Where this will further simplify and lead to a culture of plagiarism. Of course this is not good for the progress of the nation's children who can easily do plagiarism very easily, and that certainly will bring great results too.

2. The emergence of adult content easily

Before the advent of easy access to technology such as the internet, it was not so easy to access various adult content. It is clearly different from now, where we will be much easier to access various content and it will certainly be very dangerous for the mentality of the nation's children, which will affect people's behavior patterns in a bad direction.

3. Ease of fraud through the internet

The internet can trigger many scams that can be done through cyberspace. The influence of this technology will certainly have an adverse effect on the behavior patterns of the surrounding community. Where with technology can actually make it easier for fraudsters to carry out their actions online. Which of course will be very detrimental to the community later in the future.

4. Technology can make a community positive

The influence of technology on human behavior not only has a negative impact, but it can also have a positive impact, one of which can make a community or group that leads to a positive direction. For example, the buying and selling community on Facebook can certainly be used as a very good internet marketing container. Besides that, it can also gather various communities that share the same hobby, where besides being able to establish friendship and also can make a distinct advantage for fans or hobby owners alike.

5. Impacts on waste

The presence of internet technology can certainly make someone who was not consumptive to be much more consumptive, where the convenience of online shopping now does make everyone easy with the presence of online stores. Shopping can also be done very easily because of the presence of the internet, but this will actually lead to more wasteful nature and also a consumptive lifestyle for someone.

6. Doing work easier

Technology can also bring other positive impacts, one of which is the presence of this technology, our work will feel much easier and helped. Technology can also make the life of a nation more developed and not outdated and the presence of technology will greatly help the work of others.

7. Reducing human resources

The presence of technology can make human resources much less. Where sophisticated tools can now be easily created and made, moreover they can replace human work as well, so that they can lead to unemployment, of course this will have a very negative impact on one's life.

Read (How Psychology Came to Be What It Is Today)

8. Ease of making transactions

The presence of technology can certainly greatly facilitate us to conduct transactions in business. Where in making payments we do not need to come directly to the place of payment, and only by making transactions that rely on current technology can all payment processes be easily carried out. This of course can also have a positive impact on business progress.

9. Reducing social character

The influence of technology on other human behavior is that it can bring change to others, especially with the internet, someone is even more cool with his world, compared to the social life or real life that is in front of him. This certainly will have an impact on his social life in his environment, especially in family psychology and also the social psychological life around him.

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