Theory of Psychology

Sunday, February 10, 2019


Learning theory in psychology is a conceptual framework in psychology that is concerned with how knowledge is absorbed, then processed and then maintained in the learning process. The influence of cognitive, emotional and environmental as well as previous experience are factors that play an important role in understanding or forming global views, also things that are acquired and knowledge and expertise are maintained and developed. 

 Human behavior experts view learning as an aspect of conditioning that will support a system of rewarding and achieving targets in the world of education. Educators also adhere to cognitive theory which believes that the definition of education as a behavior change is too narrow and prefers to study students rather than their environment and especially is the complexity of human memory. Then, those who support constructive theory believe that the ability of a learner to learn is very dependent on how far things have been learned and known beforehand and the acquisition of knowledge must be built with adjustments that differ from one individual to another. Transformative learning theory focuses more on the occurrence of changes that are often things that are needed in the prejudices and views of students towards the world. 

 Outside the world of educational psychology, there are a variety of techniques used to directly observe the functions of the human brain during the teaching learning process, such as event-related potential and functional magnetic resonance imaging used in educational neuroscience. In 2012, such research has begun to support the theory of multiplicity, where learning is seen as an interaction between different functional areas in the brain, each with its own strengths and weaknesses that vary between students and other students. The various theories in learning can be seen in the discussion below:
1. classical theory
2. classical conditioning theory
3. Instrumental Conditioning Theory
4. social learning

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