Theory of Psychology

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Functional Approach in Psychology (Part 2)

Continue from the previous article Functional Approach in Psychology there is the next function approach in psychology:

5. Experience Approach
Experience can be said to be a soulless teacher but always sought after by everyone who is also very important for the development of memory in children. Learning from experience will be better than just talking and never doing it at all. Learning becomes a reality that is shown in physical activity. Although experience is needed and sought during life, but in reality, not all experiences are educational. An experience can be said not to educate if educators do not bring children towards educational goals. Characteristic features of educational experience are centered on a goal that has meaning for children, is interactive with the environment while being able to increase children's integration. Given the very high value of experience, it is necessary to realize that this is very important for the development of the child's soul so that experience can be used as a method of approach in psychology and the characteristics of special intelligent children can be seen. It can be said if the experience approach is the approach taken by educators by giving examples of some experiences in students to instill the value of education. For example, Islamic education will be carried out with a religious approach, namely students who are given the opportunity to gain religious experience either individually or in groups. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims are required to perform fasting.

6. Habitual Approach
Habit for students is also very important because with habituation, it eventually becomes an activity that will be owned by the child at the same time to overcome the causes of mental weakness in children. Good habits will shape human beings with good personalities and vice versa. Unlike adults, children think more abstractly and they can only think concretely. Small children who do not have strong memory can quickly forget everything that has happened. Their attention is also easier to divert to new things that are preferred. Children do not have an obligation but already have the right as one of them provides education which is a way of giving good habits to their lives. With this habituation, it will also affect the school environment and the community. For this reason, the teaching method that must be considered is a method of training or drill, execution of tasks, demonstrations and also direct experience in the field.

7. Rational Approach
An important effort for educators is to give a role to reason or ratio when understanding and accepting the truth of religious teachings, including also to understand the wisdom and function of the teachings of religious psychology. Because reason or ratio is finally used as a rational approach to the interests of education and also teaching in schools. To support the use of this approach, the teaching method must be adjusted to the age level. For example, about proving something related to religious issues must be adjusted to the level of thinking of the child. Proof of error can later be fatal to the soul of the child so that the most important effort for the teacher is to give a role to reason or ratio to understand and accept the truth of religious teachings, including also understanding the wisdom and function of religious teachings.

8. Emotional Approach
Emotions in psychology are psychiatric symptoms that are in a person that are related to feelings. Someone who has feelings can certainly feel something both physical feeling or spiritual feeling. In addition, there are also intellectual feelings, aesthetic, social, ethical feelings and feelings of self-esteem. Feelings are a function of the soul in order to be able to consider and measure things according to pleasure or unhappiness, have the nature of being happy and sad, strong and weak, long and brief, relative and not standing alone as a statement of the soul. This emotional approach aims to attempt to arouse feelings and also the type of emotions students believe in, understand and appreciate their religious teachings. To achieve the goal of this emotional approach, the methods that must be considered are the lecture method, story telling and sociodrama. For this reason, the emotional approach taken by educators to students is done through verbal stimuli such as stories, lectures, innuendo, ridicule, dialogue, news, orders, recommendations and so forth. While non-verbal stimulation is a form of behavior in the form of attitudes and actions.

9. Functional Approach
Science is a science that can shape a child's personality such as overcoming depression in children. Children will be able to feel the benefits of the knowledge that has been obtained at school. Children will later utilize the use value of a science for the sake of life. With this, the value of science is functional in the child. For example, religious studies given in class, will be implemented in the daily lives of students and also students can feel the knowledge that has been obtained at school.

10. Religious Approach
General subjects are very interested in the religious approach. The concept of personality in the psychology of religion aims to ensure that cultural values ​​of science are not secular, but that they are integrated with religious values. With the application of teaching principles such as the principle of correlation and socialization, educators can insert religious message messages for all general subjects. Educators must also master the teachings of religious teachings that are in accordance with the subjects held. For example, biology lessons that cannot be separated from the letter Yasin verses 37-40 are theorems of real propositions for supporters of religious approaches in physics.
