Theory of Psychology

Friday, February 22, 2019

Definition of Family Psychology and the Effects

Family psychology is the definition of interaction or social patterns in the family. The family consists of several individuals who come from two generations, three generations, or even more. The number of individuals in this family will affect the quality of interaction between individuals and have an impact on the individual and group psychology.

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Differences in generations in a family may also trigger a situation that is sometimes good sometimes bad. This is what raises family psychology and states that psychology in the family also needs to be studied and known so as not to occur negative thoughts or behaviors in a family related to each individual.

Family psychology perspective is a view of how this family psychology is applied or the influence that is given to families and individuals in it. Some of the following are interesting about family psychology:

1. Family psychology is a science that combines psychology with the knowledge of the family.

2. This science is united with different definitions. Psychology sees a person in terms of psychological and behavior and family is an object that can be influenced psychologically.

3. Family psychology is known as a form of psychological intervention targeting the family, in the form of family therapy.

4. One of the family therapies is family togetherness as a therapy for encouragement, recreational therapy and so on.

5. Family is a place where individuals first get education, interaction experiences, and others.

6. Family is the basis of the formation of certain characteristics of an individual.

7. Families can influence individuals strongly.

8. Family is a system that is very strong and always plays a role in every individual growth and development. This can control the formation of individuals and their characteristics or personality.

9. Understanding that family is a system where each individual is involved.

10. Families need a perspective as a system. Every family has their own goals. The way of thinking of this system which will then take into account each individual in it but still towards the one main goal.

11. Genogram as a basis for understanding and building perceptions of other family members, each of whom has a different status such as grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister.

The family system can change if one individual changes
Individuals in the family are a reflection of the family. Although not all individual behavior is what is taught in the rules set in the family, the presence of positive or negative attitudes from individuals will affect the whole family. For example, if there is a good family, and one of his children is caught in a drug case. Families who are usually very friendly, like to socialize, then can immediately turn into a closed, not often meet people, often absent at work, and others.

Many family therapies with interesting methods.
Psychological therapy can be applied to many families that affect individuals or for the whole. Psychology therapy in this family can provide a broader perspective, thoughts and hearts that are more patient and open. Examples of psychological therapies that can be applied are conflict management therapy, why stress management, and others. Each therapy has a purpose and method that is different and interesting.

Family therapy can be applied by each individual himself.
Psychological therapy in the family can be applied by individuals and also someone who needs help from others. Most therapies have easy methods and can be applied widely not only in the family but also in the community.

Psychological approach prevents psychological disorders in the family.
Psychology which is a psychology is of course concerned about one's psychological perception. Even within the family, awareness of this is also needed. Don't let the rules that are made burden one individual and trigger permanent stress.

Also Read(Classical Theory of Psychology)

For example, a teenager is required to always get a class champion, while it is against the wishes of individuals who want to play or contrary to environmental conditions such as many friends who are also smart. Such demands can trigger stress pressure which gradually slows down and arises chronic psychological disorders. If this happens, the approach taken may be more difficult and requires the help of medical personnel and psychologists.