Theory of Psychology

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Altruism Theory in Social Psychology

The theory of Altruism is voluntary action by individuals or groups of people to help others without expecting anything in return (except perhaps feeling has done good). With this definition, whether it is an act of kindness or not, it depends on the purpose of the helper.

For example, after helping a fire victim, the helper disappears without being identified, is an act of kindness. This action in the world of psychology is called the Altruism Theory in Social Psychology, here is a full explanation.

Altruism Theory explains an unselfish concern for the needs of others. So, there are three components in Altruism Theory, namely loving others, helping them doing their time of need, and making sure that they are appreciated.

Baston (2002) in (Carr, 2004), Altruism Theory is a response

which creates positive feelings, such as empathy. Altruistic individuals have a good motivation, a desire to always help others. Motivation of goodness arises because there are internal reasons in him that give rise to a positive feeling so that it can bring up actions to help others.


Three concepts that can explain the motivation of individuals to behave in the theory of Altruism are as follows:

  • Social exchange

In this concept, helpful actions can be explained by the reciprocal social exchange (reward rewards). Altruism Theory explains that motivational reward rewards are inner reward (distress). An example is satisfaction to help or a difficult situation (guilt) to help.

  • Social Norms

One reason to help others is because it is based on "something" that tells us to "have to" help. "Something" is a social norm. In the Altruism Theory, social norms can be explained by the existence of social responsibility.

The existence of social responsibility, can cause individuals to take helpful actions because they are needed and without expecting future rewards.

  • Evolutionary Psychology

In this concept, it is explained that the point of life is to maintain offspring. Behavior The theory of Altruism can emerge (easily) if the "other person" who will be prospered is the same person (one characteristic). For example: individuals help people who are exactly the same as their families, neighbors, and so on.
