Theory of Psychology

Sunday, February 10, 2019


Ivan Pavlov : Classical Conditioning Theory of Psychology

Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) found out about one type of how to learn psychology, that is classical conditioning. Ivan Pavlov was a Russian physiologist who discovered this theory when he did research on the digestive system. Pavlov's research aims to better understand digestive patterns in dogs.

In his research, Pavlov experimented with dogs. He put meat powder in the mouths of dogs whose various bodies had been inserted in a tube to know the response of the dogs. The thing he found was that the dogs began to emit water before the meat powder was given to them. Then, the dogs will start salivating when the person carrying the meat powder enters the room. Pavlov then became interested in this and left his research on the digestive system to focus on what became his famous theory of classical conditioning.

Pavlov then began the experiment by making a pair between the sound of a bell and powdered meat. He will ring the bell and give the dog meat powder. he found that the dog would begin to salivate when he heard the sound of a bell, even when there was no meat powder. Because meat powder automatically causes saliva to be released, it is called a stimulus that is not conditioned or unconditioned stimulus and unconditioned response. On the other hand, a bell is called a stimulus conditioned or conditioned stimulus and saliva is released because the bell is called a response which is conditioned.

Basically this finding supports the idea that humans construct responses to various stimuli that do not occur naturally. When we touch a hot object such as a fire on a stove, we will instinctively pull our hands. This happens without going through the learning process. But why do some people who have experienced this pull their hands from the stove even when the stove hasn't been turned on?

Humans make all of these associations every time and often do not realize how powerful this relationship is created with their behavior. The real fact is that humans have been and can be conditioned classically like the theory revealed by Pavlov.

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