Theory of Psychology

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Functional Approach in Psychology

The functional approach included in the kinds of special psychology is the approach taken by a teacher to students by using the value of a science, especially language for the benefit of the life of their students. This approach is also a method used to get the results of the functional approach itself which is an approach that tends to teach or learn languages ​​based on language functions.

A functional approach can also be interpreted as an effort to provide learning material that emphasizes the aspects of benefits for students in their daily lives in accordance with their development. The material that children learn in school is not only to train the brain, but also expected to be useful for the lives of children both for individual life and social life. The functional approach in psychology means that children can use knowledge obtained from the educational environment and practiced in their daily lives. Then, what are the functional approaches in psychology ?,  along with the explanation for you.

1. Individual Approach
In some cases that occur in teaching and learning activities can be overcome by using an individual approach such as the example of stopping students who like to talk and the kinds of behavior in psychology. The way to do this is to move or separate one of the students to another place which is separated from a fairly far distance. Talking students are placed in a more quiet group of students. Problems with students' learning difficulties will be more easily solved by this individual approach even though group approaches are also likely to be needed. That way, an individual approach is an approach taken by educators to see students' differences in their individual aspects.

2. Group Approach
As explained in the first point, the group approach is sometimes needed and used to foster and develop students' social attitudes which are also included in effective learning methods according to psychology. The thing to realize is that students are gay socious creatures, namely creatures that are more likely to live together. By using a group approach, it is expected that a high social sense can develop in each student. They will be nurtured so that they can control the selfish attitudes that exist within themselves so that they can form a loyal attitude of social friends in the class. In addition, later students can also live interdependently because no living creature can continue to live alone without involving other creatures either directly or indirectly and consciously or unconsciously.

3. Variation Approach
Generally, the problems that occur in students do vary and the most appropriate approach to use is a variety approach compared to other types of learning styles. For example, students who are not disciplined with students who like to talk will be different for how to solve or solve them and demand approaches that are also different. The variation approach is inversely proportional to the concept if the problems faced by each student when learning also vary. Cases that usually occur in teaching are many motives, so variations in solving techniques are also needed for each case. For this reason, this variation approach is a tool that can be used by teachers for learning purposes. If concluded, the variation approach is the approach taken by the teacher to solve the problems of diverse students using problem-solving techniques that also vary.

4. Educational Approach
The educational approach is the most appropriate approach for educators to use as well as ways to find out the talents of children from an early age. Every action, attitude and action carried out by educators must have educational value. It aims to educate students to respect moral norms, legal norms, religious norms and social norms. The aim of this approach is to foster the character of students with noble moral education. This means that the educational approach is an approach used by the teacher who is worth educating with legal norms, moral norms, religious norms and also social norms. For example, when the bell rings to eat, do not let the children enter directly but first line up at the door. The class leader will then be given orders to arrange the ranks while the other students will march while the educators also control the students.
