Theory of Psychology

Sunday, February 17, 2019

PSYCHOLOGY TODAY: Community Psychology

Community Psychology.-This branch of psychology is a way of approaching mental health that emphasizes the role and power of the environment in creating or reducing problems. The core of learning community psychology is the interaction of people and their environment, giving identification of the role and power of the environment that can create and reduce problems for individuals and then focus on empowering individuals and groups to adjust to the situation. In conclusion, community psychology is one branch of psychology that discusses how the role of the environment in creating or reducing problems in individuals. Basically community psychology is related to the relationship between the social system, the welfare and health of individuals and society. Find out the purpose of interventions in community psychology, the role of clinical psychology in community psychology and the relationship of community psychology with clinical psychology.

The purpose of community psychology can be seen from the area that is formed in the activity of helping or increasing the ability of individuals who do not have the strength of the social community, in other words, namely:

Develop resources for minorities. Also helps individuals to take control of their lives and environment, which in turn will help individuals to develop a psychological sense of community.
Designing, managing and directing planned social changes to achieve prosperity.
Organize, organize and implement various planned changes.
Community psychology uses two standards to analyze the position of individuals in their own communities, namely as agents or actors in their communities, where the community functions as a place for the appearance of individual behavior and places of interaction that can support or inhibit. The second benchmark is the object of the life of the community where the community functions as a place of change - changes in the quality of the individual.

Intervention Methods in Community Psychology

Intervention methods need to be done in every attempt at social change and community approaches to maximize the results. These methods include:

  • Way of consultation by inviting people who have a big influence and have a big role in the community to assist in discussing problems in the community, it is useful to reach more and wider communities.
  • Conduct community services in lieu of official services.
  • Intervene in crises by providing assistance and support to people who are experiencing a crisis.
  • Intervene at an early age in the community.

Various basic approaches are carried out in community psychology towards social system change, namely:

  • Introducing individual growth and development to prevent problems with mental and social health.
  • Make a format for appropriate interventions and can be used quickly when the intervention is very necessary.

  • Open the possibility for those who have had problems to get a good life and get support from their community or can live in a place that will receive it and provide support.
also read 

Process of Social Change in Community Psychology
