Theory of Psychology

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Forms of Social Change in Community Psychology

Forms of Social Change in Community Psychology
Because community psychologists often work on social issues, they often also work towards positive social change. The role of community psychology in applied psychology is part of the history of community psychology that needs to be known and cannot be separated. Watzlawik (1974) distinguishes between first order and second order change which often becomes a focus in the field of community psychology. The researchers revealed limitations to community psychology in the form of ecological aspects, cultural relations and diversity as well as focusing on social change /

  • First Order Change - Positive change of individuals continuously in a certain setting or situation that aims to correct the problem that occurs, but the structure does not change. This aspect deals with existing structures, doing things more or less, and involves restoring balance.
  • Second Order Change - Trying to adjust individuals with systems and structures involved in a problem, in other words, to match someone with their environment. The process of changing this system will take place qualitatively and intermittently. This aspect is in the form of creating new ways to look at things in full. The process requires new learning and often starts in informal systems.

An example of the difference between these two methods can be seen in one case that first order change will try to give a solution not to the immediate problem. Whereas second order change will change the relationship between individuals in the background of their daily lives in hopes. Things that need to be considered in the community approach are:

  • Emphasis on the effects of social support and social pressure in society, as well as preventive and self-help measures.
  • Pay attention to local empowerment and the importance of diversity and relations in culture. Also know about the benefits of studying sociology in psychology, the relationship of psychology to sociology, and the benefits of studying sociology which will still be related to the field of psychology.
  • Emphasis on the community regarding personal abilities and strength as prevention of diseases and weaknesses.
  • The community perspective emphasizes the research function that not only functions as a theory development, but also to emphasize policy and program evaluation and analysis, as well as for the development of society and science.

The community approach basically does not place or emphasize the disturbance that occurs in individuals and does not blame the environment entirely, but emphasizes the focus on the interactions of people and their environment. The goal is to reduce problems for individuals and empower individuals and groups to better adapt to the situation. That's where the importance of aspects of social change in community psychology. The real role of community psychology is to conduct research that aims to identify community problems and analyze them, create patterns for social services, evaluate certain social programs, examine community attitudes, and actively participate in social development programs by designing social environments that will minimize the difficulty of adjustment.