Theory of Psychology

Friday, March 15, 2019

How To Create a Good Work Environment

Being able to work for a company that is a dream of many people is certainly a pride for them. However, this is not felt by most people, sometimes because economic demands make them have to work for companies they don't like. As a result, sometimes they become less enthusiastic at work. For this reason, company management must be aware of this and try to make employees feel at home working, among others by building a full motivated work environment.

According to Tommy Wattimena, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of PT Smart Tbk provides several tips, about how to make a comfortable work environment, namely by

1. Align the values ​​and vision of the organization and company.

Having interest and love for work, will make someone always motivated to complete how much work they face.

2. Creating a sense of comfort

A comfortable work environment can make employees work calmly and have high motivation. Many people move to work, because they do not get comfort at work.

3. Creating a sense of security

When employees feel safe, they will be able to see the career future clearly. So that employees will be motivated to release their best potential. Conversely, if security is not created, then work motivation drops dramatically. It can even trigger negative attitude or attitude.

4. Growing pride in work

Having pride in the profession is very important for growing motivation within. If employees do not have pride in their current profession at the office, their work motivation will not be high.

5. Provide space for self actualization

Conformity between work and life goals can encourage employees to feel comfortable or enjoy their work. Employees will always be eager to do work that is in accordance with their hobbies or desires, as a self-actualization (self actualization) at work. The task of HR management is to harmonize the vision and mission and values ​​of the company with the values ​​championed by employees, from the beginning of recruitment.