Theory of Psychology

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Why Forgot to Make You Smart ??

It is not uncommon for someone to experience a sudden forgetfulness or forget that it has become part of their daily lives. Whether it's forgetting small things such as places to store keys, glasses, wallets and other items, people's names and faces, forgetting promises or just forgetting information that has been learned in the past. Sometimes we also often forget what to do in the middle of activity. Forgetting that too often can indicate a disturbance in memory, but forgetting within the limits that are still reasonable can actually make the brain smarter.

The brain works as a series that communicates with each other at all times. Forgetting happens because of a pause in the communication that interferes with the ability to focus on one thing. Decreasing ability to remember may be due to interference or distraction. When someone tries to remember something, a new network will be formed in the brain to help the remembering process.

Forgot to be a sign of intelligence

The part of the brain that regulates cognition and controls memory as intended is the prefrontal cortex which is located behind the forehead. In this area the memory that is owned will be changed in two directions namely stronger or weaker. The cause of forgetting is the increasingly weak memory. In several studies, it was revealed that forgetting something is normal and can actually make it smarter. The reasons for forgetting to make you smart include:

1. Maintain important information

Forgetting usually occurs because old memory is replaced by new memory, because the formation of new brain cells formed in the hippocampus area is related to the process of learning new things. Old memory will be difficult to access because it is overwritten by the new cell. Changing the old memory with the new one will allow you to maintain important information and release less important information.

2. Adapting to new situations

Old information that is discarded and replaced with new information will make it easier for you to adjust to the new situation, which certainly gives a lot of torrential new information to your brain. Without the old information that is less relevant, then you will not be confused to determine which information is in the brain that can be used.

3. Make the right decision

Forgetting old information replaced by new information will help you to make the right decision. The reason why forgetting to make you smart is to forget old information that is not related, the brain can freely process the information needed in accordance with the current state.

4. Get rid of misleading information

The reason why forgetting to make you smart is when the brain releases outdated information, it will allow us to adapt new situations. By forgetting old information and potentially misleading, we will be easier to maneuver in an environment that continues to change. If you try to go through life and continue to get misleading information, confusing and overlapping memories, it will be increasingly difficult to make the right decisions.

5. Discard useless information

Making smart decisions does not mean you have to have all the information at once, only means that you need to know the most valuable information. That means cleaning up the space in your memory for the most recent information. Forgetting is a process of discarding that information so that your brain will only store data that will help and be relevant to the present.

6. Help see the big picture

When you forget names or details, the brain is making choices that the details are not very meaningful. The researchers found that the human brain facilitates decision making by stopping us from focusing too much on less important past details. The brain actually promotes generalizations to help remember the most important aspects. One of the things that distinguishes the environment you will want to remember with an environment where you want to forget a few things is how consistent the environment is and how likely certain events return to your life.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

6 Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Self-Control in Psychology

Relationship between emotional intelligence and self-control is very close to one another. In general, self-control is defined as a desire and ability to achieve a life that is harmonious, balanced and harmonious to the rights and obligations of individuals in family life, community, nation and state. Then, what are the actual relationships of emotional intelligence with self-control ?, along with the explanation.

1. Increase awareness

Everyone will certainly be aware if a negative form of thought or feeling arises. Usually, someone who does not have self-control and emotional intelligence will not be able to capture the negative thoughts or feelings that emerge so that they will be directly controlled and paralyzed by negative thoughts and feelings such as when someone offends or insults us that can make someone angry immediately.

If someone does not have self-control and emotional intelligence, then the anger can appear so quickly and suddenly it will be overwhelmed by that anger. But when someone has self-control and emotional intelligence, then someone will immediately be aware of these thoughts and will immediately stop the same effect as the relationship of emotional intelligence with self-confidence.

2. Achieve Long-Term Goals

When a person has emotional intelligence and good self-control, he can help himself to achieve his long-term goals. To be able to get these long-term goals, one must be able to resist all kinds of temptations that occur as soon as possible.

For example, when feeling afraid, emotional intelligence and self-control will make someone able to control and find ways to get out of that fear. When tempted to be lazy and give up, the ability to control themselves and emotional intelligence in psychology will be very helpful in getting out of the situation.

3. Eliminating anxiety and worry

When someone experiences negative emotions, it is often disturbed by various things that make him unable to focus and this is where the importance of emotional intelligence and self-control to have. Later, a person will be able to divert his attention from various useless things that characterize self-control and kind of emotions so that they can focus more on the things that are relevant and important in their lives.

In research it has also been proven if someone who has emotional intelligence and good self-control can overcome the anxiety and anxiety that is felt very well too.

4. Adding information for motivation

Because there is a relationship between emotional intelligence and self-control not only arises from clear thinking, but actually this also happens from the conscience. This can later provide all that arises from the feeling of adding important information that can motivate the individual to be able to find the potential he has.

Someone who has emotional intelligence and self-control and understands about emotional restraint tips will also use them appropriately. For example, a poorly controlled appetite can cause illness and even accountability for halal food.

5. Improve community life

Emotional intelligence and self-control are aspects that are very much needed in community life and certainly very useful to apply in everyday life. In addition to the family environment, school and community environment, emotional intelligence and self-control can also motivate someone to obtain benefits that will change it from what is thought to be what is done.

6. Improving a Good Personal Image

Individuals who have good emotional intelligence and self-control will be easier to get along with, be able to act firmly, not easily be afraid of something, have a strong will to engage with others, be more consistent and various other good things.

The relationship of emotional intelligence with self-control prioritizes the ratio which will be very important to give motivation so that one can get the best solution in even an emergency situation.

The relationship of personal intelligence with self-control is not only important for personal but also for social life in school, work and community. For that, these two elements are very important to be mastered by everyone so that they are not easily affected by various negative things that can damage a decision or action to be taken. Hopefully this review can be useful and make yourself better for life

Friday, March 15, 2019

How To Create a Good Work Environment

Being able to work for a company that is a dream of many people is certainly a pride for them. However, this is not felt by most people, sometimes because economic demands make them have to work for companies they don't like. As a result, sometimes they become less enthusiastic at work. For this reason, company management must be aware of this and try to make employees feel at home working, among others by building a full motivated work environment.

According to Tommy Wattimena, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of PT Smart Tbk provides several tips, about how to make a comfortable work environment, namely by

1. Align the values ​​and vision of the organization and company.

Having interest and love for work, will make someone always motivated to complete how much work they face.

2. Creating a sense of comfort

A comfortable work environment can make employees work calmly and have high motivation. Many people move to work, because they do not get comfort at work.

3. Creating a sense of security

When employees feel safe, they will be able to see the career future clearly. So that employees will be motivated to release their best potential. Conversely, if security is not created, then work motivation drops dramatically. It can even trigger negative attitude or attitude.

4. Growing pride in work

Having pride in the profession is very important for growing motivation within. If employees do not have pride in their current profession at the office, their work motivation will not be high.

5. Provide space for self actualization

Conformity between work and life goals can encourage employees to feel comfortable or enjoy their work. Employees will always be eager to do work that is in accordance with their hobbies or desires, as a self-actualization (self actualization) at work. The task of HR management is to harmonize the vision and mission and values ​​of the company with the values ​​championed by employees, from the beginning of recruitment.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

6 Way How to Overcome Job Insecurity According to Psychology

Not everyone will feel comfortable in a job, especially he already has a lot of experience and hours of flying or senior. A career that does not increase, the atmosphere of the environment, also the attitude of coworkers as well as a solid boss can be the trigger for the emergence of job security. Here are tips and ways to deal with depression because of daily work.

Sometimes these complicated problems make a person have to act decisively like resigning or asking for a mutation. However, before you think negatively about it. Next, know how to overcome job insecurity according to psychology as below:

1. Know the Cause of Job Insecure

Before feeling confused and also uncomfortable approaching the atmosphere of your work, then know first what causes it to occur. This is important because you can find out more about how to overcome it if it can still be conditioned. However, if the problem is too complicated, then you try to think of a way out by asking for help from a trusted partner. That way you will decide which is the best choice later.

2. Be sincere in work

Furthermore, the way to overcome job insecurity according to psychology is to be sincere with the situation at hand. You do not know in the future what you will get with your sincere attitude. If from the beginning you have the motivation to sincerely work on all tasks sincerely. So, you will quickly move on from feeling disappointed, upset, angry and not accepting when your boss or reality accidentally hurts the results of your work.

Also read:
The characteristics of a person have been exposed to job insecurity
Work for those of you who study forensic psychology

3. Dare to act

When you are faced with problems and work that is crowded, from there sometimes ideas or initiatives appear to find the best solution. Be brave enough to convey the idea to your team and boss. Maybe this is a complaint and also a problem from the team's work and you have been able to solve it. And thus you can seek the sympathy of your boss to believe and appreciate what you have all this time.

4. Intend to Train and Learn Lots

The problems that exist today should not be regarded as mere coincidences. You who have worked in one company for a long time with a position and occupation, of course all of that is your fortune and success so far. Therefore do not waste the sacrifice as well as your struggle. Take all available knowledge, study and learn. Suppose that all of that is an exercise and also getting excited for you to be more advanced and successful. Because there is nothing in this world that is in vain as long as you still believe and struggle.

5. Make a Target or Taq Line

The way to overcome job insecurity according to other psychology is to make a target or tag line or deadline. What you want is like a goal and target to make it regularly. If in the near future your goal is realized, it will change the atmosphere of your work much better. But if on the contrary make an investigation and check if something is wrong. If yes, repair and repeat again until you are absolutely sure you feel comfortable again.

6. Be indifferent

The extreme attitude that you can do in overcoming job insecure in a company is ignorance. You can be casual or relaxed in dealing with any problems. This will make you more enjoy, free and without burden, the more you are supported in the same problem will make you more stressful. Therefore, learn about emotional management and ignorance, so that the spirit of work will be more motivated.


7 Step How To Avoid Depression due to Work

On October 10, the whole world celebrated mental health day and the theme of mental health in workplace was raised to provide awareness for everyone if mental health for workers is very important. From the records of the World Health Organization, abbreviated WHO, there are around 300 million people in the world who are depressed and 260 million of them experience excessive anxiety, which disrupts their daily activities. Job demands are one of the main causes of depression, so the consequences of mental disorders until suicide are also increasing for workers in the creative world. If indeed you are experiencing this psychological problem, then several ways to overcome depression because of the following work you can do.

1. Take Holiday

The fatigue that occurs because of work that can later cause severe depressive traits will actually not disappear if you do not completely move away from the routine. For that you should, take the time to do holidays, especially holidays that can offer the beauty of nature and soothing weather like the mountains. With this, the stress generated from work can be released and you can return to work with a fresher mood and mind.

2. Meet the doctor

All types of depression such as those caused by marital failure, failure in relationships, work and various other types of depression can be overcome with anti-depressants and psychotherapy. Maybe, for how to deal with stress and depression it takes several trials to find the most appropriate drug to deal with the symptoms of depression experienced. This method is very well done so that later it can return to work properly. In fact, a study found that someone who consumed anti-depressants for eight weeks would be more productive so that they could work better than those not treated with anti-depressants.

3. Create a Good Work Environment

The condition of the work environment has an important role about the good and bad quality of employee performance results. If the work environment feels quite comfortable and communication between employees goes well, it will certainly provide more optimal job performance. But when the work environment is filled with chaos and is characterized by unfair competition between employees, depression and boredom will reduce work motivation day by day.

Also Read (How To Create a Good Work Environment)

For this reason, you should start good communication between employees in order to build stronger cooperation as a way to deal with severe stress and depression. With better communication, not only will the harmony of the team be maintained but also eliminate the depression experienced when working because each other will share and help to solve all work problems.

4.  Laughs

When you are at a point of saturation and are getting tired of facing work in the office that causes depression and mood disorders in psychology, then you should take a moment to laugh. Although it sounds very trivial, but laughing can actually make the body become more relaxed while reducing the level of stress and depression experienced. In order to be able to laugh, it can also be done easily like seeing a variety of funny videos even if only briefly or chatting with coworkers about things that can be entertaining.

5. Listening to music

Listening to music is one of the best ways to relieve stress and depression because of work. Playing music that you like has been proven to be able to relax your mind and improve your mood to work. Music itself can also affect not only the mind but also the body so that it becomes an easy way to deal with depression due to the work.

6. Apply a Healthy Lifestyle

You can also get rid of depression that is being experienced by implementing a healthy lifestyle. Changing lifestyles that make yourself more difficult is also important to do which is very good for overcoming signs of depression due to work. Also make sure that the life you live is done happily and passionately. Apply a healthy lifestyle in several easy ways such as eating regularly, sleeping regularly and also making sure to interact with other people. Also make sure if the environmental conditions are healthy so that you can feel comfortable, safe and can provide happiness.

7. Create Ergonomic Working Conditions

If the work space is arranged ergonomically, then the body will automatically be free from tension as well as the mind. If your arms are always bent during typing, make sure you are looking for a separate keyboard or you can use the mouse to relieve tension on the wrist and day. Place items that are often used near you to reduce tension just to find something that is needed. Also adjust your seat so that the body position can face straight to the computer screen and not make the neck feel tense because you have to look up or too down.

7 characteristics of a person have been exposed to job insecurity

The theory of Job Insecurity was first delivered by Greenhalgh and Rosenblatt in 1984. They compiled a theoretical model of the meaning of Job Insecurity, and further examined the factors that caused Job Insecurity and its impact. hey define Job Insecurity as "the powerlessness felt by employees to maintain their work continuity in the midst of a threatened work situation" (Sverke, 2006)

Smithson and Lewis (2000) interpret job insecurity as the psychological condition of a person (employee) who shows a sense of confusion or feels insecure because of perceived impermanance. This condition arises because of the many types of work that are temporary or contract work. The increasing number of jobs with a temporary or non-permanent duration of time causes more employees to experience job insecurity.

Here are  features Someone Affected by Job Insecurity.

1. Feel threatened and nervous

Employees in developed countries also experience increasing insecurity due to instability in their employment status and an increasingly unpredictable level of income. As a result of the various changes that occur within the organization, employees are very likely to feel threatened, anxious, and insecure because of the potential for change to affect the working conditions and the continuation of the relationship and service received from the organization.

2. Insecurity

Insecurity in work can be divided into two categories, namely subjective and objective. Objectives that are insecure are generally associated with clear indicators such as job tenure, to determine the stability of employees in the organization. While subjective security is relatively difficult to observe directly because the indicators used are a threat to the loss of work and the consequences of the loss of the job, as perceived by the employee concerned. (Bryson and Harvey, 2000).

3. Lack of trust

Lack of trust in the organization will affect the morale and motivation of employees. The results of the study show that in job insecurity there are multidimensional elements. For example, many employees are not worried about losing their jobs, but what they are worried about is the loss of power they have for the work done or the opportunities offered by the job such as status or promotion.

4. Feel sad about the situation

There are several levels of situations that are felt to be insecure among employees. There are employees who feel insecure but are paid high because their expertise is rarely owned by people (eg computer experts such as antidotes to hackers). Such individuals have high high employment security, but job security is low.

There are also employees who have work contracts but feel insecure about how long the contract can be extended. Impermanance conditions and the existence of such certainty make job insecurity affect employees, especially young ones (Smithson & Lewis, 2000).

5. Feel helpless

The level of threat felt by employees regarding aspects of work such as the possibility of getting a promotion, maintaining the current wage level, or getting a wage increase. Individuals who assess certain aspects of work that are threatened (there are likely aspects of the work to be lost) will be more agitated and feel helpless.

6. The spirit of work decreases

the job is for individuals. How important this aspect of work is for an individual influences the level of insecure or insecurity. The level of threat of the possibility of occurrences of events that negatively affect the overall work of an individual, such as being fired or transferred to another branch office.

8. Feel disappointed

Individuals develop attitudinal and emotional bonds to the organization over time which emerge in the form of high levels of commitment and trust. Negative changes that occur in the aspects of the work and threaten the whole job will make employees redefine their compatibility and ties with the organization. Disappointment at the organization will release employee identification with the organization.

6 Jobs for You Who Study Forensic Psychology

Even though various cases relating to the criminal justice process often relate to various problems, but as legal issues. In fact, many legal problems require roles. Contributions in the field of forensics actually cover a very broad study area, starting to study the profiles of offender professions, uncovering the neuropsychological, genetic, and developmental processes of perpetrators. Forensic Psychology Professional Job. The following will present the duties of the forensic psychology profession at each stage of the criminal justice process and 11 Work for You Who Study Forensic Psychology.

1. In the police

As explained earlier, the task of the police in criminal justice is to investigate and investigate (Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia, 1982). In certain cases psychologists can be asked for help so that the information obtained is close to the truth. Forensic psychologists can assist police investigations with perpetrators, victims and witnesses.

2. On the offender

Forensic psychologists can assist the police in conducting interrogations (Bartol & Bartol, 1994; Constanzo, 2006; Gudjonsson & Haward, 1998; Putwain & Sammons, 2002), making criminal profiling, detecting lies (Constanzo, 2006). Help forensic psychologists in questioning the perpetrators to admit their mistakes. Usually if the police deal with it, then the technique used is the old model, which uses violence as a threat to the perpetrators who are interrogated, if the perpetrator shows signs of lying then the police will hit or slap the perpetrator, essentially hurting physically in the hope that the perpetrator will say honest.

3. Skill checks data and autopsy

This skill is very necessary to check data, perhaps between the perpetrator and the victim or with other informants. In addition, for cases that are still ambiguous between victims who committed suicide or were killed, forensic psychologists can enter as experts to conduct autopsies. The way to do an autopsy is to assess the source of the evidence, indirectly, such as the record left behind by the deceased, data from a friend or family of the victim.

The purpose of the psychology autopsy is to reconstruct the emotional state, personality, mind and lifestyle of the deceased. Until it can be drawn several hypotheses to help the police in deciding whether the victim is suicidal or killed.

5. At the prosecutor's office

Forensic psychologists can assist prosecutors by providing information related to the psychological condition of the perpetrator and the victim. In cases of domestic violence with the condition of the victim experiencing severe psychological trauma. Information on forensic psychology about the psychological condition of the victim can be used as a basis for prosecuting the perpetrator. Psychologists can also provide training to prosecutors related to the style of asking witnesses, victims and perpetrators. Ancok (1995) suggests that the questioning style of prosecutors will lead to misinformation.

6. Medical examiner (medical examiner)

Usually the fees for this profession are very high. However, being a medical examiner means you have to go through a long period of study, be able to handle mutilated corpses, and undergo irregular working hours.

Although there are routine and boring protocols, sometimes clever criminals who use unusual killing techniques can make you feel challenged in solving cases. To undergo this profession, you must have a medical degree. A bachelor's degree in biology or chemistry can also be a basis. Take forensic concentration.

Especially for odontological forensics, you must have the basis of dental education. Usually, this profession is a part-time consultant.

Friday, March 8, 2019

6 Facts About The Human Memories According to Psychology

Humans become creatures of the highest degree compared to other living things. Besides having a complete body organ, it is physically said to be perfect. Every organ that normally functions properly. Every organ has a different function, for example the brain.

As the center of memory and other activators the brain becomes a special center of memory. Well, humans certainly have a lot of memories or memories of their lives, both past and present. For this reason, know the facts about human memory according to the following Psychology:

1. Memory Can Change Constantly

Without realizing it, human memory is able to change over time. In this case it can be replaced by the past and present events. If someone is constant in the same event, the memory will tend to keep the memory longer. And far more significant than anything else.

2. Memory Can Shaping Personality People

The facts about human memory according to Psychology are the first human memories that will be related to the character and attitude about yourself. Owned memories can determine how you will behave and respond to things.

3. Memory is the place of memory

There is a term called the Hippocampus, which is an important part of a fact in human memory in the brain. The hippocampus also functions as a storehouse of all the memories a person has experienced during his life. It is in this brain that the task of regulating, storing also reminiscences.

The hippocampus can be found in both hemispheres, if there is damage to the hippocampus, it can block the brain's ability to form new memories, then known as anterograde amnesia. As you age, the hippocampus will lose as much as 20 percent of the human brain.

4. Short-Term Memory Too Short Remembered

Furthermore, facts about human memory according to Psychology, not all events that you have faced can be remembered and stored in the brain as a whole. Experts reveal that the brain can only store about 7 short-term memories in just 20 to 30 seconds. So, if you forget to say what you want to say, or else it is because of limited brain power. Your brain will also choose which ones must be remembered for a long time and which information must be removed.

5. Memory Can Also Be Trained

Memory if you have never been trained certainly can cause a decrease in memory abilities. To prevent this, you need to practice several ways such as memorizing, playing chess, filling in crosswords and so on. This will still maintain healthy brain performance, so memory will continue to increase even though the age is advanced. Memorizing every day also keeps you from dementia and short-term amnesia. In addition, in terms of diet you can also try, fill the nutrition for the brain to be more healthy and sharp.

6. Can Remember Something From Smell

Another fact of memory is its uniqueness in recognizing a memory through the smell of something. Whether it smells good or smells bad, for example when you recognize someone, you must first remember the smell of the perfume. Habits of people who use perfume will be remembered by others. Or when you smell the aroma of coffee, you will definitely want to drink coffee in one of your subscription stores.

This can occur because the olfactory nerve is located so close to the amygdala organ. The amygdala is an area of the brain that is connected with an experience and memory that involves feelings and emotions.

So about the examples of facts about human memory according to Psychology, hopefully the explanation above can increase your knowledge of the privileges of your memory. And better appreciate your current and past memories.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Examples of Mental Processes in Psychology

Mental processes in psychology include everything related to information, and also stimuli that can be accepted by our senses also with the mind which in this case also can produce output, and also produce a positive response. So if we treat this, it will be related to cognitive psychology. In it there are various factors that we can associate with a mental as well as information.

 A Reed expert, Stephen K said that cognitive psychology in it studies in-depth matters relating to perceptions, attention, and also memory, problem solving, and also a person's way of dealing with a problem and how the decision-making process in it.

 In the psychological process, there is also something that can be defined by attention which is a condition that is usually given in a perceptual information In it there is a key to a mental process that can be distributed in several respects, for example, the effort on the human brain that can receive information on an ongoing basis with only a little information that can get the process of attention in this matter. Some examples of mental processes in psychology.

1. Can make decisions

In the science of psychology, mental processes will indeed be very closely related to one's desire to do something, for example regarding the process of making a decision. In this case, a strong and high mentality is needed so that a good and correct decision can be made.

also read()

2. Motivation

Motivation in the science of developmental psychology will indeed be urgently needed, and in this case also relates to a gift of support to someone who is experiencing a period where he is in a state of deterioration, for example the mental processes in the development of this one are really needed.

3. Positive thinking

Role of positive relationship behavior is indeed very much-needed in this case, so that in the delivery process it must be done very well. Positive thinking also needs to be owned by everyone, so that in this case you can know more about good things to do and things that don't need to be done.

4. Communication

Communication is something that is very important, especially in mental processes, in this case also related to a person's ability to live in his social environment.
 That social psychology in the example of this one mental process will indeed be closely related.


Sunday, March 3, 2019

Influence of Confidence in Career Improvement

Having self-confidence is indeed an important thing in carrying out your work in a company, whether it is a private company or a civil servant. Not everyone has a high and strong level of confidence. Sometimes when your career is tested, therein lies the confidence that must be raised. Tips and ways to overcome insecurity.

An employee will be tested for his ability if he will get a new position or position. If he is confident and confident, whatever the test will be faced with success and success. The following will discuss the influence of confidence in career advancement that you can find out.
1. Self-confidence can improve work motivation

Having high self-confidence can increase one's work motivation. He is able to do all the work well, and is able to resolve all obstacles tough. Work motivation can also anticipate the feeling of boredom that often occurs in an employee with motivation also he is able to have goals in the future and look at opportunities as good opportunities.

2. Confidence Able to Invite Positive Thinking

The influence of confidence in career advancement can lead to positive thinking in doing office work. Whatever challenges are faced, he is sure to be able to face it all. Both in the work environment, boss, subordinates are also jobs.
People who have positive thoughts will be easier and more successful in doing anything, because he only thinks the best for his job. Steps and ways to increase your confidence increase.

Also, Read(How To Increase Self Confidence)

3. Self Confidence Can Establish Good Social Relations

Confidence and confidence can also lead you to a good social relations. Every office must be faced with a variety of people and different types. Not everyone can accept you well.
If your confidence is high, you will be able to face anyone who is confident and establish friendly and friendly social relationships. Now the relationship between emotional intelligence and your self-confidence.

4. Confidence Can Increase Trust of Boss and Employee

You definitely want trust wherever it comes from, both from superiors, subordinates, and fellow office partners. You who are confident positively will find it easier to increase the trust of colleagues around the workplace. Because they will feel comfortable with you, because you have confidence that indirectly affects them.

5. Confident Able to Overcome Job Problems

The impact and influence of confidence in career advancement is then able to provide solutions to every problem of your office. Able to solve problems and find the best solutions, both in facing the environment and office work problems. You will not feel confused or dizzy in dealing with all matters. Your confidence ensures you are able to solve it.

6. Confidence Can Grow Optimism

In addition to the above explanation, self-confidence can also cause optimism in a person. He is able to solve all the work and problems with confidence, not easily give up, and never retreat in attitude. While what is done is beneficial, all that can be done in a timely manner is also successful.
So that he is optimistic that future careers will increase and get the best position. Parenting tips on how to train children to be confident and optimistic.
Thus, self-confidence is important so that the potential in themselves can be developed so that career developments can be improved. Hopefully explanation of the influence of confidence in improving careers is beneficial for you.


Saturday, March 2, 2019

How To Increase Self Confidence

The Importance of Having Confidence. Confidence is a must in each person. Why? If it's not us who believe in ourselves, then who else? In addition, having confidence brings benefits that we rarely expect. First, having confidence makes us able to show who we are. Confidence is not the same as arrogant, but pride can be seen from excessive self-confidence. Having confidence makes it easier for us to interact with many new people in a new environment. Imagine if we were always pessimistic about ourselves, other people would think twice about getting to know and trust ourselves.

The second benefit of having self-confidence is making us as individuals who are not easily affected. Why? Confidence arises from self-confidence, plus if we have firm and realistic thoughts. If the inner foundation is strong, any temptation will not easily affect us. In addition, believing in yourself is proven to make us become optimistic individuals, thinking broadly that we are able to do things like other people do. In the end, we tend to be open to doing new things and not afraid to fail. Even if we fail, we can think that this is a stepping stone to achieving further success.

And How To Increase Self Confidence?

1. Be aware of talent

The first way to increase self-confidence is to realize talent. Everyone has it. Study what your talents are, it could be tucked into the hobby you are living now. One of the mistakes of people, almost everyone, is not recognizing their talents. We know that everyone has weaknesses, but everyone also has advantages. The way of life of each person is different and that is what makes everyone not the same.
The first way to gather confidence is to recognize yourself. What are my strengths and weaknesses? What do i like What did I quickly learn? Such questions will make people able to judge themselves, identify plus and minus values, and develop positive things in themselves.

2. Develop talents that you have realized

Don't feel talented? Then try to focus on developing a hobby that you are now doing! Identifying what is superior or talent is a problem for some people. It's difficult to judge which of the talents or strengths can be optimized. In fact, this can be reflected easily, for example through everyday life.

Watch what you like and you do intensely. Slowly identify and realize everything you do happily even if you have to take up your time or energy. One or two of these things can be your talents or interests. Both are important points that you can develop. For example, you might not mind writing a long story or hobbies reading news and following a case while studying it. This can be an example of talent (writing, or as a detective). Even simple things like this can be a positive thing that must be developed. What for? Of course to foster that confidence.

3. Learn to think positively

There is no advantage of negative thinking. Thinking bad things will only waste time. Thinking negatively or pessimistically does not help the problems we face, instead it worsens. As a result, instead of getting enlightenment or a solution to the problem at hand, we face a phase where we are filled with thoughts of bad fantasies that might happen - but not necessarily, even impossible!

5. No need to compare yourself with other people.

The disadvantage that almost everyone has is comparing themselves with others. Seeing and judging others is certainly a much easier job than having to judge yourself. Unfortunately, these judgments often do not see the whole life course of the other person and often the best part is seen. As a result, we often give very good value to others, but not to ourselves. Everyone has their own way of life.


Friday, March 1, 2019

Implementation of Self Control in Behavior Modification

In psychology there is self management, which if we interpret it is a type of model of self-management therapy, in which case it involves itself as well as an agreement contract. Self management or better known as self-management can indeed be linked in a strategy in changing a behavior, which for its own purposes is more directed to the way a person behaves.

We also need to know, everyone certainly has a name for freedom, in this case freedom can actualize oneself that requires a regulation or what is called an impulse in carrying out actions spontaneously.

Self control or self control is indeed a way that can be done in developing and also using individuals and processes in life. In this case there is also the application of psychological effects that lead to the negative side as well as the positive side, as well as self control which is included in a modification of social behavior as well as politics and the existence of work behavior.

All of this can affect self-control towards the emergence of a behavior that can be said to be quite large. For more details, we will explain the following about applying self control in behavior modification.

1. Provide clear goals regarding the direction of the goal
The purpose of self control is indeed a very important thing, where in this case we have to know more and also understand about how to personalize a person. But beforehand we also had to understand far more about someone's self management. The purpose of this is to understand more about things that lead to changes in good behavior, as in the example of behavior change in tradition as a result.

2. Able to deal with various situations
We can see the application of other self control from how much a person is able to deal with various situations he experiences himself. In this case we can see how the person is able to give an explanation of things related to situations that can make it lead to the goal of a calmer situation, or vice versa in the face of something instead seems unable to calm himself. So the kinds of approaches in psychology seem to have an important role in this matter.

3. Provide a sense of trust in himself
In applying self control in behavior modification, the next thing we need to pay attention to is about how the person can give a sense of trust in himself. This method can also be associated with providing self-confidence or a way of therapy that can be forced as a whole or because of pressure from others. This method can also greatly affect results that cause various psychological impacts and can also be more threatening, as can be linked to individual behavior in a social context that is easily found in society.

4. Can provide a stimulus in changing behavior patterns
This action can be called a method or therapy carried out, but with the aim of being able to become a much better person. The influence of self control will also be directly seen by the various changes that occur, starting from the basic mental strength and also the change in attitude that occurs, so that for the psychological aspects of behavior carried out by someone can be associated with his personal life.

5. Can easily overcome frustration and also various emotional outbursts
A person who can reach himself or control his frustration as well as the emotions within him, of course, can be said that he has good self control. This action is also carried out in order to give positive things to himself, so that he can easily deal with various situations that occur within himself. The nature of this behavior modification is also one of the longest applied methods.
6. Able to delay self-satisfaction
The application of self control in other behavioral modifications can be seen from the way a person is in delaying satisfaction for himself. By regulating the behavior that occurs, this method can also be achieved with things that are easy in the community. So that with a person's ability to delay satisfaction for himself it can be said that the person has been able to control himself.

7. Provide a stimulus for changing mindset
Various therapies have indeed been carried out, one self-control can be applied by providing various existing stimulus. The results will not be immediately visible, but by changing the mindset and providing various stimuli, in this case it can be associated with various aspects of psychology in how to behave daily.

8. Have a high initiative for himself
One way to apply the next self control is to look at the way someone is able to make an initiative for himself. This method does look easy, but to start requires a variety of special attention which is indeed not easy, especially in finding various problem solving which really requires initiative from itself, so thinking as effectively as possible is indeed a very appropriate way.



7 Tips How to Control Emotional Health

One of the importance of maintaining emotional health in oneself is that emotional conditions become more stable. This affects your life and feelings during your daily activities. Emotional maturity will help you be able to carry out activities with a feeling of calm, peace and optimism. The following is the importance of emotional intelligence for women that should be known.

Therefore, the importance of healthy emotions, if the emotional condition is bad then whatever you face will definitely have an effect on bad conditions. For that, know also how to improve emotional health in yourself:

1. Improve Lifestyle

It is impossible for emotions to become unstable if your lifestyle is bad, examples are always staying up late or not using leisure time to rest. You can because you have bad habits, so your energy is reduced by things that are not useful. If this condition routinely occurs, then gradually the impact on emotions becomes unstable. Know the relationship between parenting parents and adolescent emotional development.

2. Pay attention to yourself

Tips to improve other emotional health, namely by paying attention to yourself. By loving yourself makes you become more confident, whatever you do you believe everything will be good. And never blame yourself continuously, by forgetting the past your life will become better and emotions become organized.

3. Positive Thingking

Never consider yourself weak, bad or not useful. It is precisely whatever you have in mind that makes motivation and positive thinking. With this, you can receive whatever results from your activities, life is not always smooth. With experience and also the lessons that you get, make it an opportunity to improve yourself too, continue to be thoughtful. Undoubtedly your life and emotions are much calmer and healthier. Recognize the impact and influence of emotional intelligence on interpersonal communication.

4. Do Hobbies
The next tip to improve emotional health is to do a hobby that you like. Thus your life will be more challenging and joyful. Being able to meet many new friends, a new atmosphere also spends time with a favorite hobby. Hobbies can make your emotions much calmer and can be channeled.

5. Thankful

With the pleasure you have now, you should be far more grateful. A great gift will enjoy life, health and so on is something that can make your soul more calm. Grateful for the achievements that have been obtained every day is an exercise for emotional health. You can do interesting things or think about ideas before going to bed. Think of interesting and big things so that tomorrow you will feel happier.

6. Take a rest

Tips to improve other emotional health is to get enough rest. In a way that isn't enough is a way to treat your emotional and physical health. Sleep rest needs between 6 to 8 hours each day. So that with enough rest your emotions are far more stable and also more relaxed and refreshed.

7. Be nice

Be who you are, don't do things you don't like. The more you get caught up in evil, the more your emotions flare up. Therefore, make interesting things that you want to do that can certainly make yourself proud, and good for those around you. Some relationships are emotional intelligence with self control.

Well, so are some examples of exposure to tips on improving emotional health. Know the right way to make your life a lot better. Good luck.
