Theory of Psychology

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Functional Approach in Psychology

The functional approach included in the kinds of special psychology is the approach taken by a teacher to students by using the value of a science, especially language for the benefit of the life of their students. This approach is also a method used to get the results of the functional approach itself which is an approach that tends to teach or learn languages ​​based on language functions.

A functional approach can also be interpreted as an effort to provide learning material that emphasizes the aspects of benefits for students in their daily lives in accordance with their development. The material that children learn in school is not only to train the brain, but also expected to be useful for the lives of children both for individual life and social life. The functional approach in psychology means that children can use knowledge obtained from the educational environment and practiced in their daily lives. Then, what are the functional approaches in psychology ?,  along with the explanation for you.

1. Individual Approach
In some cases that occur in teaching and learning activities can be overcome by using an individual approach such as the example of stopping students who like to talk and the kinds of behavior in psychology. The way to do this is to move or separate one of the students to another place which is separated from a fairly far distance. Talking students are placed in a more quiet group of students. Problems with students' learning difficulties will be more easily solved by this individual approach even though group approaches are also likely to be needed. That way, an individual approach is an approach taken by educators to see students' differences in their individual aspects.

2. Group Approach
As explained in the first point, the group approach is sometimes needed and used to foster and develop students' social attitudes which are also included in effective learning methods according to psychology. The thing to realize is that students are gay socious creatures, namely creatures that are more likely to live together. By using a group approach, it is expected that a high social sense can develop in each student. They will be nurtured so that they can control the selfish attitudes that exist within themselves so that they can form a loyal attitude of social friends in the class. In addition, later students can also live interdependently because no living creature can continue to live alone without involving other creatures either directly or indirectly and consciously or unconsciously.

3. Variation Approach
Generally, the problems that occur in students do vary and the most appropriate approach to use is a variety approach compared to other types of learning styles. For example, students who are not disciplined with students who like to talk will be different for how to solve or solve them and demand approaches that are also different. The variation approach is inversely proportional to the concept if the problems faced by each student when learning also vary. Cases that usually occur in teaching are many motives, so variations in solving techniques are also needed for each case. For this reason, this variation approach is a tool that can be used by teachers for learning purposes. If concluded, the variation approach is the approach taken by the teacher to solve the problems of diverse students using problem-solving techniques that also vary.

4. Educational Approach
The educational approach is the most appropriate approach for educators to use as well as ways to find out the talents of children from an early age. Every action, attitude and action carried out by educators must have educational value. It aims to educate students to respect moral norms, legal norms, religious norms and social norms. The aim of this approach is to foster the character of students with noble moral education. This means that the educational approach is an approach used by the teacher who is worth educating with legal norms, moral norms, religious norms and also social norms. For example, when the bell rings to eat, do not let the children enter directly but first line up at the door. The class leader will then be given orders to arrange the ranks while the other students will march while the educators also control the students.


Functional Approach in Psychology (Part 2)

Continue from the previous article Functional Approach in Psychology there is the next function approach in psychology:

5. Experience Approach
Experience can be said to be a soulless teacher but always sought after by everyone who is also very important for the development of memory in children. Learning from experience will be better than just talking and never doing it at all. Learning becomes a reality that is shown in physical activity. Although experience is needed and sought during life, but in reality, not all experiences are educational. An experience can be said not to educate if educators do not bring children towards educational goals. Characteristic features of educational experience are centered on a goal that has meaning for children, is interactive with the environment while being able to increase children's integration. Given the very high value of experience, it is necessary to realize that this is very important for the development of the child's soul so that experience can be used as a method of approach in psychology and the characteristics of special intelligent children can be seen. It can be said if the experience approach is the approach taken by educators by giving examples of some experiences in students to instill the value of education. For example, Islamic education will be carried out with a religious approach, namely students who are given the opportunity to gain religious experience either individually or in groups. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims are required to perform fasting.

6. Habitual Approach
Habit for students is also very important because with habituation, it eventually becomes an activity that will be owned by the child at the same time to overcome the causes of mental weakness in children. Good habits will shape human beings with good personalities and vice versa. Unlike adults, children think more abstractly and they can only think concretely. Small children who do not have strong memory can quickly forget everything that has happened. Their attention is also easier to divert to new things that are preferred. Children do not have an obligation but already have the right as one of them provides education which is a way of giving good habits to their lives. With this habituation, it will also affect the school environment and the community. For this reason, the teaching method that must be considered is a method of training or drill, execution of tasks, demonstrations and also direct experience in the field.

7. Rational Approach
An important effort for educators is to give a role to reason or ratio when understanding and accepting the truth of religious teachings, including also to understand the wisdom and function of the teachings of religious psychology. Because reason or ratio is finally used as a rational approach to the interests of education and also teaching in schools. To support the use of this approach, the teaching method must be adjusted to the age level. For example, about proving something related to religious issues must be adjusted to the level of thinking of the child. Proof of error can later be fatal to the soul of the child so that the most important effort for the teacher is to give a role to reason or ratio to understand and accept the truth of religious teachings, including also understanding the wisdom and function of religious teachings.

8. Emotional Approach
Emotions in psychology are psychiatric symptoms that are in a person that are related to feelings. Someone who has feelings can certainly feel something both physical feeling or spiritual feeling. In addition, there are also intellectual feelings, aesthetic, social, ethical feelings and feelings of self-esteem. Feelings are a function of the soul in order to be able to consider and measure things according to pleasure or unhappiness, have the nature of being happy and sad, strong and weak, long and brief, relative and not standing alone as a statement of the soul. This emotional approach aims to attempt to arouse feelings and also the type of emotions students believe in, understand and appreciate their religious teachings. To achieve the goal of this emotional approach, the methods that must be considered are the lecture method, story telling and sociodrama. For this reason, the emotional approach taken by educators to students is done through verbal stimuli such as stories, lectures, innuendo, ridicule, dialogue, news, orders, recommendations and so forth. While non-verbal stimulation is a form of behavior in the form of attitudes and actions.

9. Functional Approach
Science is a science that can shape a child's personality such as overcoming depression in children. Children will be able to feel the benefits of the knowledge that has been obtained at school. Children will later utilize the use value of a science for the sake of life. With this, the value of science is functional in the child. For example, religious studies given in class, will be implemented in the daily lives of students and also students can feel the knowledge that has been obtained at school.

10. Religious Approach
General subjects are very interested in the religious approach. The concept of personality in the psychology of religion aims to ensure that cultural values ​​of science are not secular, but that they are integrated with religious values. With the application of teaching principles such as the principle of correlation and socialization, educators can insert religious message messages for all general subjects. Educators must also master the teachings of religious teachings that are in accordance with the subjects held. For example, biology lessons that cannot be separated from the letter Yasin verses 37-40 are theorems of real propositions for supporters of religious approaches in physics.


Friday, February 22, 2019

Definition of Family Psychology and the Effects

Family psychology is the definition of interaction or social patterns in the family. The family consists of several individuals who come from two generations, three generations, or even more. The number of individuals in this family will affect the quality of interaction between individuals and have an impact on the individual and group psychology.

ALSO READ(Family Influence on Children Moral Behavior)

Differences in generations in a family may also trigger a situation that is sometimes good sometimes bad. This is what raises family psychology and states that psychology in the family also needs to be studied and known so as not to occur negative thoughts or behaviors in a family related to each individual.

Family psychology perspective is a view of how this family psychology is applied or the influence that is given to families and individuals in it. Some of the following are interesting about family psychology:

1. Family psychology is a science that combines psychology with the knowledge of the family.

2. This science is united with different definitions. Psychology sees a person in terms of psychological and behavior and family is an object that can be influenced psychologically.

3. Family psychology is known as a form of psychological intervention targeting the family, in the form of family therapy.

4. One of the family therapies is family togetherness as a therapy for encouragement, recreational therapy and so on.

5. Family is a place where individuals first get education, interaction experiences, and others.

6. Family is the basis of the formation of certain characteristics of an individual.

7. Families can influence individuals strongly.

8. Family is a system that is very strong and always plays a role in every individual growth and development. This can control the formation of individuals and their characteristics or personality.

9. Understanding that family is a system where each individual is involved.

10. Families need a perspective as a system. Every family has their own goals. The way of thinking of this system which will then take into account each individual in it but still towards the one main goal.

11. Genogram as a basis for understanding and building perceptions of other family members, each of whom has a different status such as grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister.

The family system can change if one individual changes
Individuals in the family are a reflection of the family. Although not all individual behavior is what is taught in the rules set in the family, the presence of positive or negative attitudes from individuals will affect the whole family. For example, if there is a good family, and one of his children is caught in a drug case. Families who are usually very friendly, like to socialize, then can immediately turn into a closed, not often meet people, often absent at work, and others.

Many family therapies with interesting methods.
Psychological therapy can be applied to many families that affect individuals or for the whole. Psychology therapy in this family can provide a broader perspective, thoughts and hearts that are more patient and open. Examples of psychological therapies that can be applied are conflict management therapy, why stress management, and others. Each therapy has a purpose and method that is different and interesting.

Family therapy can be applied by each individual himself.
Psychological therapy in the family can be applied by individuals and also someone who needs help from others. Most therapies have easy methods and can be applied widely not only in the family but also in the community.

Psychological approach prevents psychological disorders in the family.
Psychology which is a psychology is of course concerned about one's psychological perception. Even within the family, awareness of this is also needed. Don't let the rules that are made burden one individual and trigger permanent stress.

Also Read(Classical Theory of Psychology)

For example, a teenager is required to always get a class champion, while it is against the wishes of individuals who want to play or contrary to environmental conditions such as many friends who are also smart. Such demands can trigger stress pressure which gradually slows down and arises chronic psychological disorders. If this happens, the approach taken may be more difficult and requires the help of medical personnel and psychologists.

Family Influence on Children Moral Behavior

Humans are social beings, so in other words have rules and various restrictions. The boundaries in question are specifically matters relating to norms in society and in their social environment. In community life, families have a very important role. Families can greatly influence behavior and also how their members interact with others. In other words, the family is also a person's character can be formed properly. Especially the moral character and behavior of a child.

ALSO READ(Definition of Family Psychology and the Effects )

       About the process of socialization, the role of parents in family socialization is very important. Customs in the family are indeed very important things. Especially for the surrounding environment and in this case the pattern of parenting certainly has a role that is equally important as well. Every parent certainly wants their children to live well and be kept away from all kinds of bad influences. Making the nature of the child good and having good morals, parents really need to have arrangements regarding the lives of their own children. For this reason, we will briefly review some of the family's influences on children's moral behavior.

1. As a Child Character Builder

A family is the first school of a child. children's character can be formed from a family. Thus, in the family needs to instill positive things and a good variety of learning in children.

It certainly can shape the character of the child to be much better. In the role of family psychology it does require family assistance very well.

2. As a learning place to discipline yourself

Children are generally very good imitators. Especially about matters relating to self discipline. So that in a family it is necessary to provide appropriate learning and practice regarding discipline for children. So that later the moral of children will be far more developed towards a much better one.

3.As a Strong Character Former for Children

With the family effect on children's moral behavior, we can see that a child who is cared for and instills good things in his environment will be good too. In other words, the child can get quite a variety of influences. So that children can have far more personality traits that are far more powerful.

4. impact the Intellectual Level

Families who educate their children well, of course, will influence the intellectual side of the child. Children will be someone who has intelligence that is not owned by others. Especially when in the family always teach their children with good education.

In the psychology of education it will not be much related to families that educate their children very well.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

HUMANISTIC PSYCHOLOGY : Effect of Technology on Human Behavior

technology and humanity

Technology has a quite important role in life and also human behavior, where technology is interpreted as the application of a science that can be linked in terms of communication, so technology does have a connection between community life and its relationship with others.

Technology does have a very important role for human life, where its influence can also affect human behavior. We have seen dependence on technology very often from various examples of everyday life, one of which is dependence on the internet and also computers. The influence of gadgets on children's psychology has a variety of adverse effects and also makes human behavior not good.

Technology can also be likened to a process, where in that case it is necessary to do various processes and also significant components. For example rigers (1986) which defines that communication technology is a hard tool, organizational structure and social values ​​used to collect, process and also exchange information with others. Like the use of Information Systems in psychology which is also still related to technology. For more details in this article we will discuss various technological influences on human behavior.


1. The emergence of a culture of plagiarism

Indirectly the technology will indeed make us find various sources or things very easily through the internet. Where this will further simplify and lead to a culture of plagiarism. Of course this is not good for the progress of the nation's children who can easily do plagiarism very easily, and that certainly will bring great results too.

2. The emergence of adult content easily

Before the advent of easy access to technology such as the internet, it was not so easy to access various adult content. It is clearly different from now, where we will be much easier to access various content and it will certainly be very dangerous for the mentality of the nation's children, which will affect people's behavior patterns in a bad direction.

3. Ease of fraud through the internet

The internet can trigger many scams that can be done through cyberspace. The influence of this technology will certainly have an adverse effect on the behavior patterns of the surrounding community. Where with technology can actually make it easier for fraudsters to carry out their actions online. Which of course will be very detrimental to the community later in the future.

4. Technology can make a community positive

The influence of technology on human behavior not only has a negative impact, but it can also have a positive impact, one of which can make a community or group that leads to a positive direction. For example, the buying and selling community on Facebook can certainly be used as a very good internet marketing container. Besides that, it can also gather various communities that share the same hobby, where besides being able to establish friendship and also can make a distinct advantage for fans or hobby owners alike.

5. Impacts on waste

The presence of internet technology can certainly make someone who was not consumptive to be much more consumptive, where the convenience of online shopping now does make everyone easy with the presence of online stores. Shopping can also be done very easily because of the presence of the internet, but this will actually lead to more wasteful nature and also a consumptive lifestyle for someone.

6. Doing work easier

Technology can also bring other positive impacts, one of which is the presence of this technology, our work will feel much easier and helped. Technology can also make the life of a nation more developed and not outdated and the presence of technology will greatly help the work of others.

7. Reducing human resources

The presence of technology can make human resources much less. Where sophisticated tools can now be easily created and made, moreover they can replace human work as well, so that they can lead to unemployment, of course this will have a very negative impact on one's life.

Read (How Psychology Came to Be What It Is Today)

8. Ease of making transactions

The presence of technology can certainly greatly facilitate us to conduct transactions in business. Where in making payments we do not need to come directly to the place of payment, and only by making transactions that rely on current technology can all payment processes be easily carried out. This of course can also have a positive impact on business progress.

9. Reducing social character

The influence of technology on other human behavior is that it can bring change to others, especially with the internet, someone is even more cool with his world, compared to the social life or real life that is in front of him. This certainly will have an impact on his social life in his environment, especially in family psychology and also the social psychological life around him.

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Process of Social Change in Community Psychology

Community psychology is based on concern for the relationship between the social system and the well-being of individuals in the context of the community. Community psychologists are engaged in a series of mental and social health problems through research and intervention in the public and private fields in the community environment. A community psychologist might find himself doing many roles in a wide range of backgrounds and substantive areas. They try to prevent problems even before they start, focus on problems simultaneously, care about the issues of social regulation and control, by increasing positive characteristics and the ability to overcome minority social groups, children and the elderly.

That's why social change in community psychology is closely related. People are involved and participate in social change more than ever in the present. Both elite forces and community psychologists have roles that involve changes in social structure in communities and groups. Community psychologists can operate as agents of effective social change, but they must be more vigilant, have the ability and be able to bear the possible effects of social design made by parties threatened by change.

Discussion on Social Change

Society consisting of a group of people will surely experience various kinds of changes that can cover various fields such as behavior patterns in organizations, structures in social institutions, changes in society, changes in power and authority in society, changes in social interactions and so on, including values ​​and social norms. According to Kingsley Davis, social change is a change that occurs in structure and function in society. Whereas Selo Soemardjan affirmed that changes in institutions within a community will also influence the social system including values, attitudes and behavior patterns that exist among community groups.

Social change can take the form of changes that are slow or fast, small or large, desired changes or unintentional or unwanted. Factors that cause social change in the psychology of the community can come from within and outside the community itself. Addition or reduction of population, the existence of new discoveries, conflicts in society, the existence of rebellions or revolutions in society are some of the causal factors originating from within. While the factors of social change in community psychology include those originating from the physical environment around humans, the occurrence of wars with other countries. And also due to the influence of culture from other communities. Some of the causes that influence social change in community psychology include:

Change Factor

The process of social change in community psychology will take place well if it gets the factors that support its progress. Factors that contribute to the progress of the change process include:

  • Contact with other cultures
  • Progress of the education system
  • Appreciation of one's work and also the desire to progress
  • There is tolerance for deviant actions in society
  • Open community system
  • Population heterogeneity
  • There is public dissatisfaction in certain fields
  • Future orientation
  • Values ​​that improve people's lives
  • Inhibiting Factors of Change

Conversely, the process of social change in community psychology can also be hampered to cause the process is not smooth due to certain factors, including:

  • Lack of links with other communities
  • The delay in the development of science
  • Traditional people
  • The existence of vested interests
  • The fear that cultural integration will falter
  • Prejudice against things that are alien or new
  • Barriers to ideological differences, habits and values.
Also read (Forms of Social Change in Community Psychology)

Forms of Social Change in Community Psychology

Forms of Social Change in Community Psychology
Because community psychologists often work on social issues, they often also work towards positive social change. The role of community psychology in applied psychology is part of the history of community psychology that needs to be known and cannot be separated. Watzlawik (1974) distinguishes between first order and second order change which often becomes a focus in the field of community psychology. The researchers revealed limitations to community psychology in the form of ecological aspects, cultural relations and diversity as well as focusing on social change /

  • First Order Change - Positive change of individuals continuously in a certain setting or situation that aims to correct the problem that occurs, but the structure does not change. This aspect deals with existing structures, doing things more or less, and involves restoring balance.
  • Second Order Change - Trying to adjust individuals with systems and structures involved in a problem, in other words, to match someone with their environment. The process of changing this system will take place qualitatively and intermittently. This aspect is in the form of creating new ways to look at things in full. The process requires new learning and often starts in informal systems.

An example of the difference between these two methods can be seen in one case that first order change will try to give a solution not to the immediate problem. Whereas second order change will change the relationship between individuals in the background of their daily lives in hopes. Things that need to be considered in the community approach are:

  • Emphasis on the effects of social support and social pressure in society, as well as preventive and self-help measures.
  • Pay attention to local empowerment and the importance of diversity and relations in culture. Also know about the benefits of studying sociology in psychology, the relationship of psychology to sociology, and the benefits of studying sociology which will still be related to the field of psychology.
  • Emphasis on the community regarding personal abilities and strength as prevention of diseases and weaknesses.
  • The community perspective emphasizes the research function that not only functions as a theory development, but also to emphasize policy and program evaluation and analysis, as well as for the development of society and science.

The community approach basically does not place or emphasize the disturbance that occurs in individuals and does not blame the environment entirely, but emphasizes the focus on the interactions of people and their environment. The goal is to reduce problems for individuals and empower individuals and groups to better adapt to the situation. That's where the importance of aspects of social change in community psychology. The real role of community psychology is to conduct research that aims to identify community problems and analyze them, create patterns for social services, evaluate certain social programs, examine community attitudes, and actively participate in social development programs by designing social environments that will minimize the difficulty of adjustment.

PSYCHOLOGY TODAY: Community Psychology

Community Psychology.-This branch of psychology is a way of approaching mental health that emphasizes the role and power of the environment in creating or reducing problems. The core of learning community psychology is the interaction of people and their environment, giving identification of the role and power of the environment that can create and reduce problems for individuals and then focus on empowering individuals and groups to adjust to the situation. In conclusion, community psychology is one branch of psychology that discusses how the role of the environment in creating or reducing problems in individuals. Basically community psychology is related to the relationship between the social system, the welfare and health of individuals and society. Find out the purpose of interventions in community psychology, the role of clinical psychology in community psychology and the relationship of community psychology with clinical psychology.

The purpose of community psychology can be seen from the area that is formed in the activity of helping or increasing the ability of individuals who do not have the strength of the social community, in other words, namely:

Develop resources for minorities. Also helps individuals to take control of their lives and environment, which in turn will help individuals to develop a psychological sense of community.
Designing, managing and directing planned social changes to achieve prosperity.
Organize, organize and implement various planned changes.
Community psychology uses two standards to analyze the position of individuals in their own communities, namely as agents or actors in their communities, where the community functions as a place for the appearance of individual behavior and places of interaction that can support or inhibit. The second benchmark is the object of the life of the community where the community functions as a place of change - changes in the quality of the individual.

Intervention Methods in Community Psychology

Intervention methods need to be done in every attempt at social change and community approaches to maximize the results. These methods include:

  • Way of consultation by inviting people who have a big influence and have a big role in the community to assist in discussing problems in the community, it is useful to reach more and wider communities.
  • Conduct community services in lieu of official services.
  • Intervene in crises by providing assistance and support to people who are experiencing a crisis.
  • Intervene at an early age in the community.

Various basic approaches are carried out in community psychology towards social system change, namely:

  • Introducing individual growth and development to prevent problems with mental and social health.
  • Make a format for appropriate interventions and can be used quickly when the intervention is very necessary.

  • Open the possibility for those who have had problems to get a good life and get support from their community or can live in a place that will receive it and provide support.
also read 

Process of Social Change in Community Psychology


Altruism Theory in Social Psychology

The theory of Altruism is voluntary action by individuals or groups of people to help others without expecting anything in return (except perhaps feeling has done good). With this definition, whether it is an act of kindness or not, it depends on the purpose of the helper.

For example, after helping a fire victim, the helper disappears without being identified, is an act of kindness. This action in the world of psychology is called the Altruism Theory in Social Psychology, here is a full explanation.

Altruism Theory explains an unselfish concern for the needs of others. So, there are three components in Altruism Theory, namely loving others, helping them doing their time of need, and making sure that they are appreciated.

Baston (2002) in (Carr, 2004), Altruism Theory is a response

which creates positive feelings, such as empathy. Altruistic individuals have a good motivation, a desire to always help others. Motivation of goodness arises because there are internal reasons in him that give rise to a positive feeling so that it can bring up actions to help others.


Three concepts that can explain the motivation of individuals to behave in the theory of Altruism are as follows:

  • Social exchange

In this concept, helpful actions can be explained by the reciprocal social exchange (reward rewards). Altruism Theory explains that motivational reward rewards are inner reward (distress). An example is satisfaction to help or a difficult situation (guilt) to help.

  • Social Norms

One reason to help others is because it is based on "something" that tells us to "have to" help. "Something" is a social norm. In the Altruism Theory, social norms can be explained by the existence of social responsibility.

The existence of social responsibility, can cause individuals to take helpful actions because they are needed and without expecting future rewards.

  • Evolutionary Psychology

In this concept, it is explained that the point of life is to maintain offspring. Behavior The theory of Altruism can emerge (easily) if the "other person" who will be prospered is the same person (one characteristic). For example: individuals help people who are exactly the same as their families, neighbors, and so on.


Monday, February 11, 2019


Neal E. Miller

This learning theory was initially brought about by Neil E. Miller and John Dollard in 1941. According to Miller and Dollar, individuals often learn social behavior by observing the behavior of others and the consequences of their behavior. Albert Bandura then expanded on Miller & Dollard's work, giving a statement that learning is a cognitive process that takes place in a social context and can occur purely through direct observation or instruction, even without actions that are imitated or produced motorically or directly reinforced.

Albert Bandura believes that association and direct reinforcement cannot explain all learning processes. Albert Bandura's famous writing in his book is a statement that reveals that the learning process will be very tiring and also very dangerous, if one has to rely on the effects of their own actions to tell them what to do. The quote was written in Albert Bandura's book entitled Social Learning Theory published in 1977.

Instead, he proposed that much of the learning takes place through observation and observation. Children observe the actions of people in their immediate environment, especially caregivers and older siblings, and then imitate this behavior.

In his famous experiment, Bobo Dolls, Bandura revealed how easily children can be directed at imitating even negative actions. In this experiment, children who watched adult videos beat big inflatable dolls then became much more likely to imitate the same actions when they were given the opportunity.
Perhaps the most important is a statement from Bandura that the process of learning something does not always result in changes in behavior. Children often learn new things through observation, but may not behave like what they see until the need or motivation to use the information.

In addition to observing behavior, learning also occurs through observation of the rewards and penalties received. This is a process known as represented reinforcement. When certain behaviors are rewarded or rewarded on a regular basis, then the behavior has a great possibility to be maintained and if certain behaviors continue to be punished, then most likely the behavior will be abandoned.

This theory extends traditional theories of behavior, which reveal that behavior is governed only by reinforcement, placing emphasis on the important role of various internal processes of individuals who are in the learning process.

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Edward L. Thorndike 

Instrumental Conditioning Theory

Learning Theory in the next Psychology is instrumental conditioning. Other types of learning have many similarities to the types of learning with classical conditioning as above, referred to as instrumental conditioning or operant conditioning. The operant term derived from English refers to how an organism operates in an environment. Therefore, instrumental conditioning comes from how an individual responds to what is faced in his environment. This can be simplified as the thought that learning is a natural result of our actions.

In instrumental conditioning itself is divided into 2 types, namely:

The strength of a behavior is modified by the consequences of the behavior itself such as reward or punishment
This behavior is controlled by its predecessor, referred to as a discriminatory stimulus, which then gives rise to a response
Although instrumental conditioning and classical conditioning are both controlled by stimuli originating from the environment, both are different things.

In instrumental conditioning, a stimulus arises when a behavior is rewarded or punished which functions to control that behavior. For example, a child will learn to open a box or jar to pick up candy that is in it, or learn not to hold a hot stove. In this example, boxes or jars and stoves are discriminatory stimuli.

Meanwhile in classical conditioning, a stimulus that indicates a particular event will cause reflexive behavior. An example is the sound of a slamming door indicating the anger of a parent that makes a child tremble.

Edward L. Thorndike 

Intensive research on instrumental conditioning was carried out by Edward L. Thorndike (1874-1949) who studied and observed the behavior of cats who tried to remove themselves from a puzzle box that they made themselves. A cat can pull itself out of a box with a simple response such as pulling a rope or pushing a pole, but when the first time he is inside the box, a cat will take longer to get out.

With repeated experiments, ineffective responses to exclusion from the city become more rare and on the contrary effective resonations become more frequent, so the cat can come out in a shorter time.

Thorndike then concluded in his theory, namely the law of effect which states that behavior followed by pleasant effects tends to be repeated and that gives unpleasant consequences more likely not to be repeated or avoided. In short, some consequences will reinforce a behavior and some will weaken behavior. By measuring the time to get out of the box compared to the number of trials, Thorndike produced the first animal learning curve ever made with this procedure.

Humans seem to learn a lot of simple behaviors through the learning process as researched by Thorndike. In this case, responses are maintained when they give satisfactory results and are abandoned or discarded when they do not produce satisfactory results or unwanted results. This usually happens unplanned by any teacher, but instrumental conditioning has been used by parents in educating their children since thousands of years ago.

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Sunday, February 10, 2019


Plato (428-347BC)


Plato (428-347 BC) asks the question of how an individual learns a new thing for that individual? Maybe this is a simple question but consider the human brain as a computer. So, the question above will change to how can a computer receive factual information without previous program ?

Plato then gave an answer to his own question. He made a statement that knowledge already existed at birth and all information that was learned by someone was merely a re-concentration of something previously learned. This theory was then called the Platonic epistemology. This answer will be further justified by paradox.

In this case, when someone knows something then he does not need to question it, whereas if someone does not know something then he will not question at all. So, according to Plato, if someone doesn't know something, they won't be able to learn it. Plato describes learning as a passive process in which information and knowledge are integrated into the soul through the process of time.

But Plato's theory raises more questions about knowledge. One of the most important questions is, if humans can only learn something that we already know in the soul, then how does the human soul get that knowledge at first? Plato's theory seems rather convoluted but is still a theory used to help explain knowledge until now.


John Locke (1632-1704) offered answers to questions raised by Plato above. According to John Locke, humans are born into the world like a piece of pure white paper, that is, when they are born, humans have no knowledge. However, John Locke believed that there was something that humans had during their birth, namely mental strength.

In John Locke's view, this mental strength is a biological ability that has existed since humans were born as babies, such as how a baby knows about his body's biological functions when he was born. After the baby is born, he will get various experiences from the surrounding environment and then the whole experience is "written" on the "sheet" of the baby. The whole experience will eventually lead to abstract and complex ideas. This theory is still a theory that is often used to understand the current learning process.

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Learning theory in psychology is a conceptual framework in psychology that is concerned with how knowledge is absorbed, then processed and then maintained in the learning process. The influence of cognitive, emotional and environmental as well as previous experience are factors that play an important role in understanding or forming global views, also things that are acquired and knowledge and expertise are maintained and developed. 

 Human behavior experts view learning as an aspect of conditioning that will support a system of rewarding and achieving targets in the world of education. Educators also adhere to cognitive theory which believes that the definition of education as a behavior change is too narrow and prefers to study students rather than their environment and especially is the complexity of human memory. Then, those who support constructive theory believe that the ability of a learner to learn is very dependent on how far things have been learned and known beforehand and the acquisition of knowledge must be built with adjustments that differ from one individual to another. Transformative learning theory focuses more on the occurrence of changes that are often things that are needed in the prejudices and views of students towards the world. 

 Outside the world of educational psychology, there are a variety of techniques used to directly observe the functions of the human brain during the teaching learning process, such as event-related potential and functional magnetic resonance imaging used in educational neuroscience. In 2012, such research has begun to support the theory of multiplicity, where learning is seen as an interaction between different functional areas in the brain, each with its own strengths and weaknesses that vary between students and other students. The various theories in learning can be seen in the discussion below:
1. classical theory
2. classical conditioning theory
3. Instrumental Conditioning Theory
4. social learning

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Ivan Pavlov : Classical Conditioning Theory of Psychology

Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936) found out about one type of how to learn psychology, that is classical conditioning. Ivan Pavlov was a Russian physiologist who discovered this theory when he did research on the digestive system. Pavlov's research aims to better understand digestive patterns in dogs.

In his research, Pavlov experimented with dogs. He put meat powder in the mouths of dogs whose various bodies had been inserted in a tube to know the response of the dogs. The thing he found was that the dogs began to emit water before the meat powder was given to them. Then, the dogs will start salivating when the person carrying the meat powder enters the room. Pavlov then became interested in this and left his research on the digestive system to focus on what became his famous theory of classical conditioning.

Pavlov then began the experiment by making a pair between the sound of a bell and powdered meat. He will ring the bell and give the dog meat powder. he found that the dog would begin to salivate when he heard the sound of a bell, even when there was no meat powder. Because meat powder automatically causes saliva to be released, it is called a stimulus that is not conditioned or unconditioned stimulus and unconditioned response. On the other hand, a bell is called a stimulus conditioned or conditioned stimulus and saliva is released because the bell is called a response which is conditioned.

Basically this finding supports the idea that humans construct responses to various stimuli that do not occur naturally. When we touch a hot object such as a fire on a stove, we will instinctively pull our hands. This happens without going through the learning process. But why do some people who have experienced this pull their hands from the stove even when the stove hasn't been turned on?

Humans make all of these associations every time and often do not realize how powerful this relationship is created with their behavior. The real fact is that humans have been and can be conditioned classically like the theory revealed by Pavlov.

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